
hey there,

it's been quite awhile since i wrote here. i just got off reading a newspaper just now - the Star to be exact, it was an issue a couple days back. anyway, what compelled me to write down my thoughts today was concerning the article that i've just read in there.

it's about UMNO. it's about felda. it's about UMNO giving money and continuing their support for felda. well...it's not like i have anything against the people of felda or anything - heck i dun think i even know those guys...hey wait..i do know those guys (Felda keratong 1 to Felda keratong 5..haha..them SIFE projects really brings back memories..)

newho, um not against them. it's just that um disappointed that the government had to fork out cash to send their children (of the Felda pioneers) to workshops and programs to learn skills and what not in order for them to help them get jobs in the future. i mean don't get me wrong, but wouldnt it be better if they (the children of Felda) have the initiative themselves to make better use of themselves - like the parents did? i mean from what i read on the papers, it seems like the kids are just a couple of spoiled brats who would forever be dependent on the government to help them - and in turn they'll be providing the gov (more like the ruling party) the votes for the incoming election. :| . don't get me started on the election. it's bad enuf all the articles i see on the papers are biased and stuff - gets me mad everytime i read them. (same goes to harakah too - don't think im picking sides here, im ever so neutral...) what i would give for a piece of neutrality and fairness in journalism in this country.

but thats not the focus of my post today. what i want to emphasis here is the lack of fighting spirit in these young malays (Felda children). some of them are even offered training to be aircraft engineers - WTF? (an aircraft engineer can earn up to RM 7k if they work with Air Asia, how cool is tht?)

i guess it's all about ensuring the Malay folks not getting left behind-lah kan. it really sickens me to see that the only way for us Malays to succeed is by having other Malays already up front pulling us at the back. its like us Malays are forever destined to be lazy and unspirited that the only way for us to get rich in this country is by having some political advantage over the other races.

i mean no wonder other races in this country seem to hate us. with all the biased-ness and unfair treatment i guess we kinda deserve it. at least the young ones would think like tht-lah. the older, more seasoned veterans knew that the peace and harmony tht we held dear today are due to the sacrifices of yester-year people and altho some things like the ketuanan melayu doesnt make sense now, it did back then. Malays will be Malays and though some Malays have already changed their way of thinking and live differently (in a more constructive manner that is), some still choose to live in a laid back way and depend on the government to bail them out.

To my frens of different colours - i hope that you guys can be patient while the rest of us adapt and change our paradigm in life. i hope that we will keep this unity - through its thick and thin. i guess what um trying to say is, Malays do need YOUR help and support. for without them, they will be no MALAYSIA. we might not be rich like singapore, but we have land and water in abundance. we may not be as big as indonesia, but we can be proud of our economic stability and harmony throughout the year.

MALAYSIA is not solely for Malays. that is a fact that has to be accepted whether one likes it or not, for i can't see a Malay leading this country alone without the other two checking and balancing the equation.

i long to see a Malaysia where the people in bandar lives like the folks in kampung. i long to see when the election time comes by - the topic that will be debated is off environment, development, and the betterment of the community, not giving people a reminder of past contributions and scaring them of racial disunity. i long for unbiasedness in journalism and media.

i hope i could see them before i end up rolling in my grave someday.

i am a romantic. and i hope you are one too.

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