I've been surfing for hours now looking on how should I lay out my living room in my "future" living place.

I've found some great websites while I was at it; mainly these two:-

The first is about home decor basically, telling about the neatest furnish he could find out there and sharing along his design ideas in his newly bought house.

The latter is more on DIY stuff. Now this is something I can keep coming back to..might take up some projects there every now and then (grin...)

Anyways, here is a pic of cool concept of a cabinet I found called the StairCase

Damn neat I'd say. I always thought that the space up above should be better utilized to make more room down below.

But back to the living room. Right now I'm thinking of having mine like this. But of course, not exactly like that. It's not gonna be that japanized - we can't afford lavish spending quite yet. But the concept is there..a square-ish table with pillows (I'm gonna get a whole lot of them...) and a dinner table (which I'll get from my sis later).

I don't know why they'd be bothered to comment about us in Malaysia when they have their own shit right in their own backyard. But maybe I shouldn't take this personally - I mean everyone's a critic right?

I guess time will tell who's right and who's not. After all, action speaks louder than words don't it? You can talk all you want but in the end we'll see which country perform better.
I mean I'm not saying they're provoking us or anything..are they? Haha..who knows. But to me, we can simply view it as their concerned view about our country.
Cakap banyak pun tak gune..kadang-kadang artikel tu memang berniat baik, but the readers themselves yang sibuk duk speculate bende bukan-bukan. And I'll not be suprised if this becomes an issue here for the next couple of days.
Below is the article from Bernama for your reference.

By Mohd Nasir Yusoff

JAKARTA, Sept 19 (Bernama) -- Indonesia's The Jakarta Post English daily, commenting today on the political development in Malaysia, said the (possible) act of lawmakers defecting from the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition to the opposition does not make them democracy's soldiers but political opportunists.

Based on Indonesia's own painful experience, it said, a change of allegiance at the elite level was not equivalent to a change in fundamental beliefs toward the primacy of civil society.

Malaysian Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, advisor of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), has been claiming that he has the backing of a sufficient number of BN defectors to give his Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition a simple majority in parliament.

"We fear that what we are seeing in Malaysia is neither revolution nor evolution, but is instead a potential transition from one power to another.

"But Pakatan Rakyat too must show it is more than just a vehicle for Anwar," it said.

The paper said the performance of Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak as minister of finance, a portfolio he assumed on Wednesday, would gauge his acceptability as Malaysia's next leader.

Najib and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi exchanged Cabinet portfolios -- finance and defence -- on Wednesday as part of the plan for transition of power from Abdullah to Najib in June 2010.

The paper noted that "on the other end of the spectrum, the opposition coalition of Pakatan Rakyat under Anwar has been big on headlines but lacking in actual policy proposals".


My uncle (the son of my atuk busu), which was posted in Libya as a diplomat - has passed away last Thursday due to a car accident. 

Not sure on how it came to be, he was on his way to the airport to pick up some judge of a 'tilawah' event with his driver in the early morning. He sat at the back. According to my atuk busu, his ribs cage was broken. So my guess is he was not wearing his seat belt when it happened.
Currently his body is still there, waiting for some judge to sort out some formalities since he was a diplomat and all.

Yesterday my family went to the Grand Millenium Hotel. I'm not sure many of you have heard of it, since the place looked quite new to me. 
Went there kinda early actually - since it's location in the heart of KL and all that. So early we went that we were able to go to a shopping complex nearby - The Pavillion. It was my first time there, and yeah..the stuff sold there are rather expensive. Dad got himself a Pierre Balmain shirt. Me? I got me a Jeep polo shirt. And my sis' paid for it. Sweeet~
So anyhow, the berbuka place is quite okay lah..not too shabby. It was not packed, which is good lah. Food were applenty, but I've seen better. The most interesting dish had to be the ketam berempah - man i haven't any ketam in months, and this place has them in abundance; berempah even (whatever that means). It was OK-lah, I only had one, and even it was a cold one (since I went straight to the surau after a quickie break fast).
The ice-cream was good. The teh tarik is excellent. :)

Before that, early this week I got a chance to open fast at one Equitorial Hotel. We as a family were invited there by my old training place; DDS Engineering Sdn. Bhd. It's an annual thing held by them. According to them, this year's event was their biggest yet. 
And perhaps it is. There was a lot of food available! And they taste good too! 

Not that I care much though. What I enjoy most about that day was the fact I could meet up some of my old colleagues and play some (brief) catch up with them. It was nice really. 
On Friday, me and my fiancee plan to have a berbuka together somewhere in Mines. Nak dijadikan cerita, her tyre went flat along the way. Her car stopped at quite a convenient place, near Masjid Uniten and Upten. So OKla I thought. Might as well eat there. The pic below is of me fixing her tyre. Hehe.

I got myself a nasi putih and telur bungkus for buka puasa. Rm 5 more or less. Ok la kan compared if I were to eat at Mines. Later I went and had my maghrib prayer at Masjid Uniten. You wouldn't believe who I met there. Padil!! Wahaha.. It really brings back memories. Really miss those days. Anyway we chatted a bit after the solat, you know..to catch up on things. Met Ijal and some SIFErs as well. Who would've thought eh..

Last Thursday us Comptelian went down to Bangi and had ourselves quite a feast. Berbuka puasa to be exact. It was quite nice actually to be able to break fast with all of them. There were me, Theenesh, Luqman, Shahril, John, Razali, Ida, Kari and the man of the hour - Rossi.

It was a break fast cum farewell party kinda thing. Rossi is gonna be leaving (already left by the time tis piece is written) Comptel to pursue his dream at IBM. Big company I'd say. Do I envy him? Perhaps. But I surely don't envy what he's doing. I'm not the sales-guy type if you catch my drift (in other words my communication skills sucks).

But anywho all the best to the guy. Everyone has a dream to pursue, a living to make, a hope to realize. Mine? I'm not sure...but I'm sure as hell won't be leaving Comptel anytime soon thats for sure.

I would post a few pics from the event if I had any; which I don't right now (obviously). Guess I'll be updating this post later on.

There goes one of my teh tarik crew...

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