Two days has passed since the General Election.
Rata-rata umum mahukan Paklah untuk meletakkan jawatan secepat mungkin. Sekiranya kita imbas kembali GE tahun 1969, yakni kali terakhir BN (parti perikatan) gagal menang 2/3 undi - presiden BN dan UMNO ketika itu, Tun Abdul Rahman - meletakkan jawatannya. Namun lain pula dengan PM kita yang sorang ni. Maybe somehow he thinks he deserves to still be in the seat.
And on comes the choir. Kepala-kepala menteri yang lain bingkas bangun memberikan their endless support kepada Paklah. Seperti mana mereka memberikan endless support kepada pimpinan terdahulu I suppose. I guess you can call them, the support group. Like Alcoholics Anonymous I suppose.
Anyways, concerning the opposition winning the 5 states, keyakinan rakyat umumnya masih ditahap tunggu dan lihat. Maklumlah, bende baru. Era baru. Its not something that all of us even myself am accustomed to.
Nice experience though. What a kick I got out of seeing the BN lose that bad.
Some of my friends who's from the upper states like Penang n Kedah are actually terrifed that DAP are winning big. It's like the end of the world for them. It's like the chinese will be hunting them down later on in the future.
I cant argue with him on that, perhaps his experience living there has thought him that much. But what I can argue is - why? Why do chinese, or rather non-Malays in general view us in that certain way? Mungkin sebab sempadan yang da selama ni kot?..btol x?
I mean, kite sniri yang asyik menangguhkan pemansuhan DEB - yang terang2 memberikan kita kelebihan, dan terang2 menidakkan mereka utk memiliki keperluan2 asas seperti pinjaman wang, pelajaran etc2. So can they really be blamed?
How long are we going to be afraid? How long are we going to still live in our comfort zone and biarkan luka ni terus menjadi nanah?
HINDRAF? DAP ekstremism? Well it's all cause and effect. We started it - they now have responded. Its interesting to note that in 2006 there was this master thesis conducted in Sweden, about Malaysia culture in general. In that report they've interviewed several of Swedish companies that have set up offices in Malaysia. One interesting fact that I'd like share here is that all of them view Malays as lazy and slow. As a Malay though..I guess in a way we deserve that don't we. Damn.
the time is now 4:07am and i will go to bed very soon.
8/3/08 marks a date to be remembered in the history of our beloved country as the ruling party finally loses their 2/3 majority.
i am not gonna write long however since i'm dizzy and tired waiting for the final official result as shown in the star's website. also constantly pressing reload at lowyat's forum and hear what people all over the nation has to say.
75 seats..finally. more to come i believe. for now i guess i can sleep peacefully knowing that BN wont screw us Malaysians up our asses as easily they'd done before.
change is good i suppose. creates competitiveness - and i wish it's for the better.
encountered some priceless quotes too.
pak lah: "dah kalah...kalah lah.."
nik aziz (on his thought about tv3) :"Ini channel untuk tonton Doraemon dan Power Rangers jer."
damm lawak la this fella.
alhamdulillah, interview saya tempoh hari bjalan lancar. saya pegi interview dgn Comptel, telco software pnye company. keje programming.
after 2 stages of interview, they sent me an offer just now via email. maybe next week saya akan kesana tuk amek letter and wat ape yg patut.
pada saya, diorang ni lebih berminat kpd soft skill dari knowledge yg saya ada time tu. i mean diorang pnye written exam sket je yg saya mampu buat (die tanya pasal C, perl, java n ksh -- saya tau C jek..itu pun sket2..lain saya tinggal blank je). so mase interview mmg kne tekankanla sgale soft skill yg kite ade - n provide bukti skali in terms of ape bende yg kite dah buat yg membuktikan kite ade soft skill tu.
my thanks to all the tutorian out there yg contribute to this forum. forum ni (n several others) mmg da byk tlg saya in terms of finding out all the opportunities out there, teknik2 jwb interview, siap ade provide soalan ape lagi ptt tanye time inteview! mmg bes!
- excerpt from my post at
just got back from my 2nd stage interview at Comptel
at first I had to do a written test (again) - but of course, with different sets of questions in them. basically the questions tests you on your knowledge on C, Perl, Java and Ksh shell (Unix). You'd have to provide outputs given a program or rewrite the program or even write a new program given a certain inputs and outputs.
the next part involves me talking to a project leader/manager of sorts. she's from the support team. so bacically she asks me stuff like "tell me about urself" and " what type of person do you see urself? troubleshooter or implementer?". later on she explains what the company does in details. the rest were more like a discussion session. thts how i felt neway. the one question tht really cracked me up was "will you apply to another company should we offer you the job next week?" i went on laughing and replied " thats a tough one.."
and that it for today's interview experience.
hopefully i'll get the offer letter next week.