Life is kinda funny when you think about it. You already know how it started - and you know how it's gonna end. But you never are quite sure what's gonna happen in sir.

It's like you're driving down some road. You take off from your house - and you have this particular destination in mind. But there's just so many road you could choose from in order to get there. And if you're in a foreign land - the best bet is to get yourself a driver to get you to your destination. Or if you're cheap - then go get a map. Or a compass. Or a GPS.

One does not simply drive one's car in the middle of nowhere without a goddamn GPS/map/compass. Well, arguably you could if there's a gas station nearby and you could ask for the direction there - but that's not the point.

Everyone needs a map.

For life, one actually "does" have a map. It's called the Quran.

Like any other road trip - there's always gonna be some detour here and there, and bumps along the way. Heck if you're so unlucky - someone might even steal your car. I guess life is..pretty much like a road trip doesn't it.

I always wonder sometimes, what if I've taken the other road instead - like making different choices during my younger days. Like what if we didn't move to Canada? what if I didn't go to the boarding school malacca? (those what ifs question running about can be a real time waster sometimes)

Looking back - I guess I'm pretty satisfied with what I ended up with in the end. It's like seeing pieces of a jigsaw puzzle falling into place just nicely. Or probably that's just how I usually see things - turning some weird sequence of events and make it all about how those events actually are beneficial to me. Some may call it positive thinking - others call it an act of desperation. I prefer the former obviously.

Okay okay - before I continue I might as well just 'fess up about what made me ramble on and on about this choices and life thing. I was looking at my schoolmates facebook photos just now and saw some stuff which...well let's just say there not the kind of photos that you would want to show to your parents and say "Hey mom, meet my friends!". And it's not just "a" friend - it's like the my whole gang! And I was like - if I had stayed, would I end up this way? Different paths, different journeys.

Maybe that's just Allah's way of leading me (who am I kidding, it's already written). Wallahu'alam.

Somehow up until today I can't really shake the you-gotta-be-kidding-me feeling everytime I saw those pics. Maybe because the last time I was friends with them they were all so..innocent and good and wholesome and..all those other things. Maybe I'm just too naive. Or maybe I just want to be naive. It's a whole lot simpler that way. I like simple things - don't you?

It's true what they say you know - you really have to pick your friends carefully. Took me 20 years or so to realize that. Hopefully to whoever's reading this - you've find your own "friends" already.

Din in the US

..yeah..that's my brother right there. :)

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