A couple of days back, probably last week - my boss called me in for a chat.

"Now what could this be about" - I wondered to myself. I recently got a baby (read my earlier blog post) and I was secretly hoping that they'll use this as an excuse to give a salary hike.
Apparently, somehow, someway; the people in the higher up have found out about my blog - and my seemingly "negative" outlook on the company (and no news of me getting a raise either :( ).
Dun dun dun.
Not that it really matters I suppose (to me that is). It was written, because that was how it was the way I saw it back then. I read back those posts which were seemingly "negative" - didn't found anything wrong there to be honest. So I guess I couldn't really understand what the fuss was all about actually. Though I could understand their concern on the 'company-image' part.
Which company wouldn't wanna protect it's image? For them to be a competitive, they have to have the "right" people. And to get that "right" people - you'd have to deserve them. You'd have to have the right outlook so that the "right" kinda people would be drawn to you. Don't get me started on how image is perceived by shareholders - that's a totally different chapter.
But they were professional about it (yay!). And deservedly earn my respect because of that. I've always like the 'open-communication' thing going on in the company. I've never felt uncomfortable to just barge in the boss' office and lay down how I feel about anything (not that I ever do those kind of things.). But in any case this recent experience proves just that.
Maybe the kind of posts I've been writing may have had a hand in putting off those talented people's interest in the company. Which really sucks I guess coz actually the place is a really good place to be in. Although I'd have to say - it's not for any type of people. You'd really have to be willing to learn and relearn. And work on the soft skills. And be prepared to face the customers shooting you million dollar questions.
Not that I mind - coz I honestly find it challenging and interesting. But as I said - what works for me probably won't be the same for you.
With great power comes great responsibility. Now that the blog has gained some visibility in the higher ups - chances are - every other people on the planet who's interested in Comptel would probably by chance stumble into here too. Which leads to "ethical" writing as compared "as-i-feel-at-the-moment" kind of writing.
Yeah right. IMO I should still be writing as-is.
I've been there once. A fresh graduate wanting to find that suitable job, looking eagerly for that suitable place, trying to get to know them "right" employer.
So I scoured the net. Read through forums. Linked up with people from the industry. Tried to get that "insider" information on who's good and who's bad, which company pays more than the rest of the pack and offering the best in terms of career growth and learning experience. In short, I was trying to get the best deal.
But those kinds of info are not that easy to come by. Especially the real, brutally honest, down to earth reviews which would really be a help in one's decision making.
I imagine employers nowadays must be really having a hard time trying to control their employees from exposing the "family" secrets. Sime Darby makes for a very good case study in this context.
Enough with that for now.
Last week I felt rather low when I found out that another of my "teh tarik" buddy is leaving. This particular fella was probably the closest person I could relate to there as an employee, due to the fact that we came from the same university, and joined in together as a fresh graduate. He'd probably have a good reason for it (to leave) I suppose.
Me? Sometimes I can't shake the feeling like my days here are numbered. One by one, my "teh tarik" buddies are leaving, and sometimes those things does influence you in certain ways. Maybe it's just how people behaves these days - they see a better option - and off they go (not that's it's a bad thing). Rossi mentioned that it's actually quite normal to see people leaving in batches - it happened during his days too.
Probably it's natural. Maybe. But it's kinda hard to keep focusing on your goal when you're facing this kind of predicament (my goal is trying to become an architect btw). I have this weird idea where I thought if I could stay long enough - I could become this one helluva guru on mediation. Yeah - we'll just see how that one pans out now won't we.
It's getting late. Better finish this post now so that I could play with Safiyya. :)

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