I don't particularly have anything to blog about actually - just putting down a few pics taken earlier tonight.
Kids... they can sure make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside don't they.
Ketap! Ketap! Grin~~~

Again with the wish lists. Haha.

I've been reading a couple of (well...to be honest just one recently..lol) ebooks as of late. But it got me thinking about what are the better ways one could have to read these ebooks. I mean, who in their right mind would wanna carry around them bulky laptops (or even a netbook) just to read a book?
Then comes the tablet - or in my case - iPad. With a price tag of over 1k++ for it's cheapest model (suitable for cheap people like myself..ehem), I guess it's quite a hefty sum to pay. Though somehow I personally do think that in time it will prove to be a worthwhile investment due to its usefulness and practicality (ehem..since I am the kind of person who read a lot. No really - I do. )
Ahh..then I could read all those downloaded mangas, that Watchmen novel, that Marvel Civil War series - owh the joy! :)
For now though - I've been taking a break (or a long break/breaks rather) from my Oracle exam preparation and peeking/glancing/devouring/fantasizing on DSLR-related books by David duChemin. I like the fact that the book (Vision and Voice) not only stops to teach you how to properly fix or refine your pictures - it also includes his insight/philosophy on the art of picture taking. I kinda get that artsy feeling after downing a few chapters..lol.
Unfortunately for me - the hardcopy of the book is not available at the bookstores that I've gone to these past few days. Fortunately, there's Amazon (and my wife's credit card).
When selecting which ebooks to download - I find the reviews people put in Amazon to be of much help. I mean - can you imagine the amount of free (pirated) ebooks available out there? A LOT! And knowing me - sometimes I just feel like downloading all of the ebooks available out there (the one that interests me of course). There's just so much stuff to learn - but so little time. So due that latter factor mentioned - time - I guess the next best thing (or rather the smarter thing) is to actually rely on others before me who've actually gone through and digested them.
Running out stuff to rant - returning to my faithful (with those occasional blue screen) laptop to read some more ebooks.


Is seriously thinking of getting himself a Bigfoot. I'm pretty sure it's gonna cost me an arm and a leg though...

Sigh~...guess I'm really a sucker for these sort of things.

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