I guess it has been quite awhile since I updated my blog space. During those time a couple of interesting stuff happened in my life.
My graduation is among them.
Frankly speaking I couldn't care less about the degree prior to the convocation. I mean, I've already secured a job - what could that piece of paper get me anyhow? We all know that experience matters more than that paper.
But as I came that Friday for my convocation rehearsal - and saw those familiar faces of friends; I'm just glad there's a thing called "convocation". At least on that day, I got to meet back my friends from back in the day and play catch up with them.
I drank too much of teh tarik on that day thats for sure... Later that night we all went and had a 'makan besar' at one of the nearby seafood restaurant. The bill amounted close to RM100. There was six of us. But only two were paying. Me and Pedot.. since we had more 'rezeki' compared to the rest I guess. I certainly didn't mind it at all. It's not everyday we can eat up together like that - and well I guess I kinda agree with the saying; good things are meant to be shared.
In other news, my not so little brother has gone up to the US of A. He's in Purdue now... hopefully making good use of that noggin of his. I admit that the house now seems quieter than usual (obviously). Abah now has a new routine whenever he's home for the night - ym-ing with Din whenever he got back from work. Times have changed he said. Back then he used aerogram to write home to kampung - which would take around 2 weeks to..not fro. Now, with ym..he could easily see his beloved son all the way from across the globe. I guess he must be glad. I am too. :)
The pics below are from his majlis doa selamat which took place a week or so before his flight to the US. Kinda like a 'hari raya' photo don't you think..hehe~

And I haven't mentioned this!! I'm engaged!! Wahaha..demmit I've been too busy I guess I forgot to even write this down in my blog!
Anyways last month on the 12th of July, I got myself engaged with the gal of my dreams; Amatullah. The majlis itself was pretty simple - more like meet up of my family and hers. There's no makan-makan and all that. I was not there during the meet up - but I think things went pretty well. Hopefully we'll be married next year.
For now though - kumpul duit la beb~