The Furnitures

Last Sunday alas I finally got to sit on my Ektorp couch. Waited a whole week for that. Found it at IKEA a couple of months back - and I've been setting my eyes on it ever since. It got that cozy look, and a nice cushion to go with it that simply screams "this a couch for you to sit your ass in and watch a movie!".

Along with it, came the rest of the furnitures for my new house in Sepang.

bersepah giler...

time to build something... couch in a box..

comes with few suprises too...

akhirnya da siap pun satu...

now this need a cover...

pasang meja plak. btul lah Ah Hoe cakap, kan elok kalo gune mesin skru jek. lenguh gile...

meja makan yg bakal dicat...

warrgghhh...abes dah

What a weekend that was.


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