The Wedding Photographer

Today I got to play wedding photographer for my sis-in-law wedding.

Gotta admit, I was having fun out there. Though tiring - it was an interesting experience I must say.

Hence following that, I guess I'll be returning back the D90 that abah lend me. It was good while it lasted. Learned quite a bit on how to use a DSLR, about the type of lenses available etc etc. Might encourage me to get one of my own later too perhaps. But that will have to wait I guess. Wait till I can get other important things sorted out first.

For those who has my facebook, more pics is available there.

Selamat pengantin baru A'tiq n Batul :)

{Updated: 30/6/09} Here the link to some edited pics that I managed to conjure up so far

Maryam's Wedding - Part 1


  1. iYda Juhar said...

    wah. santek gambor. welkam to da club. hehhehe

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