Of Kids and Education

1. Norway
2. Canada/Denmark/Sweden
3. Finland

Source: London School of Economic

The above findings are taken from BBC News clippings here.

I guess somehow rather I'm kinda not surprised to see Canada on that list. Having been educated in one myself, I guess the education system there is quite unique any mind-stimulating enough for any students.

While there I was exposed to various fields of interest - music instruments, woodwork, cooking, and french. Other than that, there were the usual academic subjects. Of all the subjects that were taught there though - I miss playing my baritone the most.

It wasn't the most subtle of instrument. Being quite big and brute, with loud bass-like sound emanating from it's metal horn - one can only wonder how in the world can one actually miss playing the damn contrapment. But miss it I do.

I remember that in each week, I would have to bring the baritone back home after school and practice it for about a half an hour everyday. And I did brought it home, and I did practice playing it - however bad it sounded to mom.

I remember having to wipe my saliva off of the mouthpiece every now and then. Yucks..yep thats how I felt at first. It takes awhile to get use to it, but eventually I did.

The best part of playing a baritone is when you're actually playing it with other instruments alongside you - like an orchestra of sorts. The combination of a baritone's boom and the strike of a piano alongside the high pitch sound a clarinet is really quite fun to hear to - if played accordingly and harmoniously. It was really fun I have to say. I really miss being a part of it, being a part of the orchestra.

That's Canada to you.

I heard that in Finland, you could find so many professors there that should you divide the number of professors to the square feet area of Finland - you could get approximately one professor per school in Finland. That's the level of education that they have.

What do we have? Owh we have plenty I'd bet. We have have so many professors around here that we can simply change the education system here right after every election. Leave it to the majority. Follow the majority. It's fun isn't it to side with majority. You can never be wrong when you side with the majority. How can you be? You are after all, with the majority. It's popular, it's the "in" thing. What a load of bullocks.

In any case, forgive my rambling on the sad excuse of what I would call our political and everyday scenery here in Malaysia.

Let's have a brief chat about education.

Then again let's not. Guess I'm not in the mood anymore. :)


  1. iYda Juhar said...

    selamat menyambut ramadhan al-mubarak :)

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