Mencari Marimekko

Okay, a little explanation is in order I suppose,

Marimekko was founded in 1951 by Armi and Viljo Ratia in Finland and became a fashion icon in the 60’s when First Lady Jackie Kennedy included seven Marimekko dresses in her wardrobe.
I came across this "Marimekko" term as I was looking for any interesting design patterns and fabric to be used in our bean bag.

A little side story first on how this came to be.

At first I had thought of getting myself a nice bean bag for our lounge. But the last place I went to at Mid Valley, the price of one was like around RM299. And that is after a somewhat 50% discount.

"What gives?" I thought to myself.

Later my wife provided a rather interesting alternative.

"Why don't you buy it from me then?" she said. She intends to make one and sell it to me.

I could I suppose. After all, I have yet to see a return on my investment (the sewing machine). And she "can" sew. Plus it would be an interesting family project.

So after weeks of thinking about it, we finally went up to a friendly neighbourhood factory near our kampung and bought ourselves 5 kilos worth of polisterene (or however you spell that damn thing) to be used as the beans.

And the plastic bag holding them nearly ripped open at our house. Imagine the horror on our faces. Millions of tiny little lightweight "beans" running amok in our livingroom.

In any case, depending on demand (if any); she was thinking of maybe (just maybe) selling these bean bags to other people as well. We already have identified the beans supplier I suppose. Now for the fabric. And thats where Marimekko came into the picture.

The FatBoy Marimekko

Have to say that I really came to like the look and design of the bean bag covered in Marimekko. But I don't think this thing has entered Malaysia yet - or if it has; I doubt that I can get a good price for it.

Went to KAMDAR yesterday. "Velvet" seems nice and affordable. Looks comfy too, although I do like to have gone to other stores as well to compare the materials and prices. Call it market research. Maybe I'll go have a look at Fella Design or IKEA after this. Or maybe I'll just head up to Nilai.


  1. Unknown said...

    Haha she really carries on the 'biz' that we started in our younger days- selling 'skills' to the family members :p Imagine we sew our own baju kurung and asked ummi for the upah haha. considering the fact that ummi also has to pay the same amount to the tailor should we tempah to the tailor hahaha~ absurd

  2. Amatullah.Aziz said...

    hahahahaha!! bes kan..remember our junkies n lemonade stallS set up by us in OUR OWN HOUSE!! n jual kat oma.. n those 'GARDENIA' arab balls sold at Asma's..couldN,T imagine how on earth we can swallow those(after she 'gentel-ed the roti gardenia n sprikled them with susu tepung fernleaf!! OMG...a SICKENING THOUGHT!!)

  3. Unknown said...

    YUCK! That's really sick! Well I was thinking in the line 'If I don't buy from them, don't ever dream they'd come to my stall'. Lucky we didn't vomit tho, cruelly urging our tummies to ingest those mashed bread (well mash is not the word. The bread was squashed and rolled into balls?? urghh)

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