
The below is a post dated 29.11.2009

Just a couple of days back, whilst getting ready to go to work - my wife suddenly yelled out to me.

"Abang. 2 line.."

And I thought to myself, "Ooo..OK..", without knowing what it really meant. I was like - umm..maybe it's negative again. Life goes on I guess. Try and try again..

"Sini jap bang..tengok ni.."

And she then walks closer, bringing along the test kit box so that I could actually see what 2 lines actually meant - positive.

And how in the world are you supposed to react to that.

I mean..WOW!

But of course lah - in actuality, I didn't over react or anything like that. Actually it was more like OK, your wife is pregnant - nice. Now where did I put my socks again?

I guess the news didn't really sink into my head at the moment. Takes a couple of minutes more for it to be digested.

As I went off to go to work - the news then really hit me. And I was like..."hmm..and now I have a kid". I grinned and smiled and the mind starts to ponder on how great this news is. But I was also at the same time kinda afraid - afraid of that 9 months journey.

A lot of things can happen in 9 months. All of sudden those news of accidents and miscarriages doesn't seem that insignificant anymore. It now serves as a reminder to you and your family. It now seems more important and screams out "DAMN IT, READ ME YOU IDIOT! I DEMAND ATTENTION!!".

As of today, she has taken the test 3 times already. So far all the test kits points out to the obvious - positive. For now it's a secret though - she doesn't intend to do a tell-all just yet. So for those who might be reading this, your discretion is very much appreciated. We'll let others know when we are ready. For now, please keep the news to yourselves.

Tomorrow - or rather later today, she'll be going for her first medical checkup at the Salak Tinggi's Klinik Kesihatan. If everything goes out smoothly, she'll get the necessary supplements and what not.

As for me - I guess it's time to start saving some money for her delivery and the kid's future.

Life sure is interesting. Even more so when you are given the 'amanah' to take care of a life other than your own.



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