The new addition

It's around 10pm now, and in a couple of hours Germany will be playing against Spain in the World Cup semi final. Personally I'm not rooting for either of them since my team (England) have packed their bags a long time ago. Paul "Oracle" Octopus have predicted that Spain will win this one - we'll just have to wait for tonight's match now don't we.

I've been living for a few days now (or has it already been weeks?) at my in laws. OKla. No complaints here. Been great so far. Will be staying here until the new kid comes into this world and later we're gonna have to wait until her/his mummy get over her 'pantang' period. 2 months? 3 months? I actually have no idea. Not in any rush to go anywhere though. Just going with the flow for the time being.

Apart from that - my D90 have just arrived from the US! Yay!! Second hand-lah tapi. Bought it from my lil' bro - who's gonna get (or rather has already gotten) himself a D300 as a substitute.

Dad later bought me a bag and a 50mm/1.8 lense for my camera. Haha - dad sure has a knack of buying me things without me having to ask for it. He actually called me at work the other day and simply asked "..yang lense ko nak tu 50mm 1.8 kan? Abah dah dkat kedai ni.." - that pretty much stops me saying "no thanks dad" doesn't it? I mean the guy is 'already' at the shop (what is he doing there at work hour anyway?)

In any case - thanks abah :)


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