Movies of 2011

It's 2011. It's the year touted to be the year of the tablet and would also bring forward a huge collection of movies based on comic books.

Anyway here's my list of must-watch movies for this year (as a reminder for me to watch them when they actually come out. You tend to forget about these things as you go back to your usual daily routine).
1. Wanted 2 (no available poster).
2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (not that I've seen Part 1 yet btw.)
3. Captain America.
4. Transformers: Dark of the Moon.
5. Super 8.
6. Limitless.
7. X-Men: First Class.
8. The Hangover: Part 2
9. Sucker Punch

11. The Adjustment Bureau. Based on a short story from Philip K. Dick. You just gotta love his stories. :)
12. Battle: Los Angeles.
13. I Am Number Four
Happy 2011! :)


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