um tired right eyes are heavy..feels like i wanna just lay down here on the carpet and sleep the night off. but as it turns out i havent studied anything yet,..n also do the isyak prayer.

the meeting my view..quite chaotic. though famie called it a "brainstorming session"..i personally don't think the stuff that are talked about then are ever constructive at all. i mean yeah sure u can say a lot of thing..but who the hell is gonna do it? plus the idea itself is kinda vague and has lots of loose ends. um sorry for being so pessimistic about the futsal agenda, but i just cant see why do we as sife uniten is even considering and even wasting our precious time in the meeting talking about it. not to mention uniten football club is gonna do the same thing, the same "futsal" competition.

um being an ass right now..i know..tell me about it. maybe its just the frustration making itself known to the world,..reaching out to find some justification. the meeting, like aza said herself..had no conclusion.

and aza gave up on the ractar hoo. wouldnt be fair to say tht its just her..perhaps it was all of us eh? i dont know..sure it can be frustrating to teach and not seeing the result immediately or not as u would have expected..but that is just human, i think.

to me they lack the urge to want to do it. they lack,..motivation. with proper motivation they(the ractar girls) can achieve lots of things..but nah..we here as sife uniten are too impatient to wait for those things..we can't afford to do this silly project where we teach and they listen and then they do nothing and becoz of that we'd have no concrete evidence to show that their lives has been impacted and then with no impact, we can't go to new york. sirree..we don't want to end up tht way do we..not again....not to york suure IS everything~..

um sorry. got emotional a bit there.

back to reality, um looking forward to see how the "apprentice" and "basmi kemiskinan" project would go..sounds kinda neat. hope i could learn a lot~

i guess thts it for some pages i got to cover tonite in case mr.vigna get some funny ideas and gives a quiz tomorrow...wouldnt wanna be caught with my pants down now would i?


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