Yeaakk...thats right. Um back! After having long gone abandoning this blogging thing. Well, it was..with a reason after all. Coz you can't be the president and opening ur trap all at the same time can ya?

Maybe some people, but not moi. Nah-ah. I'll save the SIFE stuff for laters..after the finals perhaps. Lots of juicy stuff too! Hahaha..

Anyways right now I'm in my final week of industry training. I'm gonna miss it a lot. it was a helluva time, learned lots of new and interesting stuff, been to a few sites here and there, travelled hundreds of kilometres - damn nice experience. Got paid doing the stuff you like - BONUS!!. I even managed to get my INTRO CCNA cert during the weekends - DOUBLE BONUS!!!. If only i could fetch that ICND cert too..well..i guess tht'll be asking too much now would it.

Tomorrow i'll be going back to Kolej Komuniti Selayang to settle a score with the webserver. Pissing me off la that sharepoint thing. Aishh~.

Yeah..i know..i's a pretty short blog considering the time i've been gone. I'll make it up later, after the SIFE National. Till then,



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