Well that statement is quite subjective actually. By loving New York I meant I loved the fact that I could mencarut at all the new yorkers and do it with a straight and smily face, n they'd think im just a frenly bloke tryin to say hello.
I don't however love NY for the smell of piss in their subway. At least Malaysian don't do that. Not to my knowledge I suppose. We don't do it at the subways at least. We rather like to do it along the walkway from KTM KL to the Pos Malaysia main building, if you know what i mean. Haha..
Newho, I rather much enjoyed the trip I had. Makes all the hard work I did over the week before all the worthwhile. 3 papers. 1 report. 1 assignment. Zul Saadon. 5 days to get it done. The experience i got from NY = priceless.
I seem to be really enjoying myself all the while there. Playing backpacker/amateur photographer. Hahaha! But really - I had so much fun! Perhaps I was in need of a break. I guess now I know why some people likes to travel a lot. I can relate to that.
The trip began with a trip to New Haven - went to Pn K's old place, Yale University. Nothing much is brewing there. Got to see some parade though. Columbus Day parade to be more precise. Don't know what they're suppose to celebrating about though. Don't care much really. At least I got to take some nice pics off of them. Or at least I'd like to think I got some nice pics off of them. But hey, how can you not like a visit to the YALE. Well, maybe not if you're not a geek like me. I mean, it's YALE!! It's not you're typical average university we're talking about here. Or maybe um just exaggerating a wee bit too much. Fine. Sue me.
I guess I wont be doing much of writing down much what I had been doing there in here. It gets kinda lame after awhile. And I'd rather be tellin you upfront what it feels like rather then typing it down. For those interested, see my album. And no, its not available online. Only a select few has them photos - you could see me, or them, to view those pics. (for those of who has my NY albums, you must admit you gotta feel a bit special having them photos rite?..hehe..i know, i love u guys too..group hug..:) )
I miss being there. Not to say that I wana stay there forever, but I miss the sense of adventure I had while being there. Carrying a backpack. Got a map on the back of my jeans. Passport strapped on the chest. Camera's up and running. Somehow it felt gud. Hahaha. I guess it was my little adventure. Exploring Manhattan - gone up and down the subways, fast walking through chinatown, little italy, soho...pity i didnt make it to harlem, queens and bronx. fuckin far away. lots a miles, not enuf time. But for a guy whose main objective is to attend the SIFE WC, I think I did pretty gud covering the distance I did.
Speaking of the WC, the United States won. I guess I really couldn't blame them. I mean if they were helping Darfur, could you really like not expect them to win? They were helping the friggin Darfur people!!. Fuck. How the hell can you top that? Perhaps you can go to Myanmar and help them monks. Or curb global warming. I dunno guys..but at times during their final presentation I kinda felt like they were way out of our league. But then again, who's to say what's what. Gotta take a closer look on how the marks were given thats for sure.
But enuf about SIFE. I'd rather my thoughts about SIFE and all the politics be kept to a minimal exposure. You know ever since I got the president title last year I've been quite a secretive mutha*** with what I think of things and shit. I don't like enjoy it, but it's not like I gotta choice. For me, since I can't sweetmouth my way around people, I better shut the hell up. Better people me see me stupid then know im stupid I guess. I dunno. I just like to play it safe. For the time being.
Old habits die hard. I guess even when im no longer president, I still find it quite hard to write stuff down openly as I did before. Must be the chinese blood in me I suppose. Always trying to act mysterious and be secretive ALL THE TIME. Haha. Paranoid.
New York. New York. Im quite an innocent guy actually. A naive type of person. Usually - almost all the time, I try to see the best in people. Still do in fact. Which was why I was pretty shocked to see the guy sitting beside me drinking wine while in flight to NY. Or seeing people clubbin in a..inappropriate manner. But then again what appropriate-ness do you expect to see in clubs? And what the hell was I doin in a club? (hahaha..you can blame teenage curiosity for that, wink! wink!) I guess what i'm trying to convey here - is that I'm quite new to this stuff. I mean to the REALITY of things in the so called adulthood. Malays can fuck, can drink, can do whatever the hell they want if they so chooses. Big deal. I guess that is the reality that I have to deal with. You know it's one thing to see those vices on TV, and it's another seeing them in live action. Haven't seen people fuck in front of me though.
What the fuck.
You know sometimes I can't imagine what Malaysians would be like in the next 5-10 years or so. Would we be like go back to the 70s? Or would behave more Islamically? I sure hope it's the latter. Sure would make parenting a whole lot easier. Easier on the wallet. Easier on the headache. Easier on the conscience. Just...easier on a lot of stuff.
Now I sound like my dad. Hmm..maybe I should be married right now already.
Yeah right.
An amateur photographer, a bad swimmer and an eager traveller; this blog tells my side of the story in this long journey I refer to as life.
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