the one before the war

And no, it's not a war on terrorism.

It's not even a war in fact. More like the exam week that I'd be havin in 2 days time.

For what it's worth, I have been studying for them in the past...well yesterday. I know it's not much but I guess it's a start at least.

Data Comm's on Saturday.
Engineering Economics on Wednesday.
Optoelectronics on Thursday
Applied Telecommunications on Sunday

And I still haven't taken my exam slip yet. Gotta remember to do it tomorrow. Or else somebody gonna feel like a jack ass the day after that.

I have been thinking quite hard about my future lately. I mean in terms of what to do after I graduate from this place. I mean, I could work with TIME i suppose. But that would mean breaking the contract with YTN and that means I'd have to pay them back a hefty amount of cash. Just when I thought I'd wanna save up some to get married. :P

So what does that leave me up with? Probably the best option IS to work with TNB. And hopefully I'd get a good placement in their ICT department. Demmit I don't wanna have to work in a place I don't like!!

So far my carry marks are OK I guess. Hopefully I can do just as well on the finals.

Insya Allah.


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