Here's an excerpt of what I just read on BBC News

Going to university, then choosing a mentally demanding job may help protect the brain from the devastating impact of Alzheimer's disease on memory.

Scientists found tissue damage was much quicker to lead to memory loss in the less intellectually stimulated.

They suggest mentally tough work, or genes which help people achieve such careers, may help the brain compensate for disease.

The Italian research was published in the journal Neurology.
And I'm like "Yay~". A programmer use their brain. And I mean a lot. They use it so much that they tend to have trouble sleeping at night since their brain wouldn't stop working.

Guess it does have it's upside huh?

It's been almost 6 month since I've in Comptel. In terms of workload..hurm..I'd say OKla. I'm quite interested to see where it'll lead, this "mediation" path I mean. It does have it's busy times and the laid back period (how I hate laying around~). Enough to keep me occupied, distracted.

The future? Will I stay there long? Only time will tell. If I felt like I'm being appreciated, like I have a place where I belong - then who's to say how long I'll stay.

Going with the flow for now. After all, I'm still a "fresh" grad. :)


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