"Yay..lompat...lompat lagi..."

It's kinda late, but while we're still in the month of Syawal, I'd like to wish all who's celebrating - Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Its been awhile I guess since I met with my cousins..boy haven't they changed a lot. Most of them are in their teens now and I guess I feel kinda out of place at times. Haha..to think I'm growing old already..what a thought.

There was this one night where we all had to sleep outside in the living room. Each of them has their own handphone and are busy typing away on their keypads writing to gods knows who. And I'm like...wow..times have changed. And it struck me then, that sooner or later we're all gonna go our separate ways and lead our own life in the manner of our own choosing.

Will we ever be as close as this? Only time will tell. I've had chat with Pak Lang and I guess he too shares the same feeling. Or so I think. Anyways with that came the emergence of our family blog, thesallehfamily , with the intention of bringing the family members closer together. There a lot of things that can be done there, share pics, videos, and stories and such. I'm hoping that in the future it can even be a place to swap recipes or even tips on child care.

Someday we will die - yes. But just like our Arwah Atuk journal was left behind (his little notebook that he used to use during his tabligh days), I'm hoping that our blog will survive the test of times too. And may we forever remember our roots and may our grandkids get to know us better that we will ever know our Arwah Atuk. Insyallah.


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