No, I didn't go there. I'm just jotting this down to express my concern over the whole event.

What's the concern you might ask? Well, I am very much concerned over the sponsor for the event : Magnum Corporation. For those who don't know what that company does - they deal with gambling.

Gambling, in Islam; is haram. The profits that they (Magnum) acquires hence forth from their business is then also haram. Thus the event, and more importantly the food served - is haram.

Do the people who went there last Saturday realize this? I mean I guess it's "OK" to go there, listen to the music and enjoy yourself - as long as you DON'T TAKE THE FOOD!!!

I don't know man...I certainly hope they didn't. Worries me a lot when a muslimah (i think) announcer can easily say "Are YOU game for it? " <-- this is Magnum's tagline btw.

Enuf of my rantings. Time to get to work.


  1. Anonymous said...

    This has nothing to do with Flyz thingy.

    I've always wondered why you didnt lead the report team. I find your writting very cool to read. Definitely not mundane.

    You should 'get out' more often rather than hide your potentials.

    Take care.

    kak naD

    ps - yeah i've know you had this blog for a while now.

  2. Hafidz said...

    Thanks kak Nad. Meant a lot coming from you. :)

    I guess I may at times have doubts on my potential (whatever that may be). There was this time where I thought that I could lead (before SIFE), and so when the opportunity (SIFE) does arise - I took it. Well that didn't turn out quite so well now did it?

    Maybe I should 'get out' more eh? (whatever that means...)

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