Beating the Bush

Today I sat down with my dinner beside mom. She was watching the news in the lounge - while trimming her nails.

We talked about stuff. Mainly on the ASB's dividend distribution this year. 7 friggin percent with 1.75% as bonus. Not much I thought, dad says with the state of economy Malaysia enjoyed in the past, we should have been getting up to 9%. Meehh~ "Janji ade.." I thought to myself.

Then the news shows the most hilarious pic of the night - a guy (journalist) throws off his shoes at George W. Bush.

The guy's got some balls! I mean about guts. He must really hate the fella huh. But then so does the rest of the world I would imagine. Can't blame him really. And I would imagine that after Bush left, he'd just be getting a slap on wrist and maybe some little fine. Nothing he couldn't handle..I mean hey, he just did what everyone else in the world would WANT to do but don't have the cajones to.

On the other hand..if Secret Service got their hands on him - then that's a different story.

The closest thing I could come to that is this, and it's not even a real person (just a wax at Madame Tussaud. Notice the shock on the lady's face behind me. )


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