I am a permanent!


Damn I feel good today. Just got a new contract offer from my boss. A permanency and pay raise. Nice~

Just when an extra cash would come in handy. Perhaps I could get a bigger stone for my lady's ring eh?

Anywho, alhamdullillah. With the economic forecast looking gloom and uncertain, this new contract certainly feels so much sweeter.

7 months have passed - and I am still at Comptel and starting next year; a permanent staff there.

Right then when she(my boss)told me about it I was freaking glad! But my face tried to hide it as much as I can. Kontrol macho la kan. After getting to my cubicle, I was all grinning to myself - felt so good. Wish I had that 'cone of silence' they had in the movie 'Get Smart' - so that I could scream out loud how fucking glad I am. I still am actually. Hehe.

Told my parents about it. They seem pretty happy. Good, I thought to myself. At least now dad wouldn't be nagging me anymore about how I should've worked in the government or some GLC (read TNB). I was all too happy to show him the envelope containing the contract (I actually danced in front of him).

Gonna get the family together for a lunch-out this weekend. Good things are meant to be shared. :)


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