Tonight, will be my first night sleeping alone for quite some time now. My wife is currently in Port Dickson, dozing off at some hotel with her netball friends. These couple of days she's been going out for netball practice every evening at MIAT, which is good for her I should say - I do envy her at times. It's not everyday that you get a chance to break out a sweat nowadays.
So tonight I have the house all to myself. But it does get a bit dull - it's too damn quiet, nothing to spice up the atmosphere. Owh well.
In any case, lets just move on to other things (before I get all mushy and break a tear now..)
Life in Salak Tinggi is quite OK I guess, judging from what I've seen this couple of weeks. We've got the usual shops, some neat facilities (which includes a mini stadium nearby, and if I'm not mistaken there's also a pool at Putrajaya which is just a few clicks away), and mos importantly - no traffic jam. If only my office is relocated to Putrajaya, then that would've been awesome.
Sad thing is when your house is like a kajillion miles away from office is that now you can't go on waking up THAT late anymore. But kinda think of it, I still do wake up late. Hurm...I guess I don't have a point there. Hehe.
My house now looks more like a home. Took long enough.

with a little salad leaves on the side, and some thai sauce.
served with cool apple juice. a healthy diet i must say.
Late last week I had the opportunity to join a training conducted at Kelana Jaya by Mikko Koskinen, a trainer from Upknowledge (some finnish company). The training was basically about an overview of the whole telecommunication network, intended to teach us "programmers" on how the telco world works and familiarize us with all the jargons and technologies currently available and those that are still under development.
I have to admit, coming from where I came from, I was really interested to hear what he has to preach - since I myself am quite curious to learn how it all was interconnected in the end.
SGSN is used in the packet switch core network, while MSC is used in the circuit switch core network. During the presentation, I find myself at times asking why in the world did join Comptel in the first place, thinking I might be much more happier working in the packet core network - putting my CCNA skills to the test. Actually, kind to think of it, I DO would like to jump should he opportunity presents itself - if only that job could match or be higher than my current salary.
But money is not all there is to it, is it now. Now that I'm married, job security has to considered as well.
I recall today's Friday prayer sermon, the khatib mentioned something about those who keeps asking for more money would never feel that he has enough money, but those who appreciate what he has, would always feel that he has enough (aka happier).
That one kinda hit the spot right there.
My manager meanwhile advices that it is better that I focus on doing what is at hand, and do it good; instead of busy thinking about what is to come and preparing for the future that much. She thinks that if you do your job good enough, you'll eventually be set for the future.
There is some truth there I guess.
These days I find myself not being up to par compared to what I was like a couple of months back (aka before the marriage). My work currently is almost all the time "just enough" and never "exceeding expectations", or at least it does not exceed my expectations. Talk about having low self esteem huh. Dang.
If only I got enough time in my hands.
Labels: Comptel, Family, Furnitures, Life, Marriage Life
haha...lawa rumah.. ;P
ada blaja masak x skrg da berumah sndiri? hehe..jgn2 nnt kak amat xde, gi mkn luar je keje or makan maggi..haha..
shut up. :P
kak amat: ala meggi pun kak amat yg masak. xleh diharap btul.
apis rebuttal: lalalala~