Movies of 2009

Just got back from Alamanda. Me and wife went for a late nite screening of Star Trek.

I have to admit - being a bit of a sci-fi geek, I was curious as to how this movie would look like, since I've never really been properly introduced to James T. Kirk and his crew. I'm familiar with Picard of The Next Generation, Seven of Nine from Voyager, and of space station Deep Space Nine - but not of Spock and the rest of them. I have to say I was quite excited.

In the end, it was a good movie I must say - had the trademarks of J.J. Abrams (the director), but still fell short of his Cloverfield. And not even close to set standards set by Wanted and the 300. But still OK. :)

2009 is a year filled with great movies. There's actually soo much movies that I'd like to see that I'm afraid the date of screening might overlap between them.

Among the movies that I've marked as a must-see are:

1. Watchmen - saw this one earlier in March. Highly anticipated. I've actually been waiting for that particular movie since last May 2008. Kudos to the director for managing to direct a movie considered by many to be un-directable. It follows closely to the novel, much to my liking. :)

2. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - just had to keep up with the whole Harry Potter sequels.

3. Terminator: Salvation - it has Christian Bale in it. This guy can really act in my opinion. Those who'd have seen The Machinist would agree with me without a doubt.

4. The Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - well the first one was awesome. I wonder if the sequel can do better.

5. Star Trek - it was nicely done. Great character development, even a non-Trekkie would be able to enjoy it (i think).

Maybe some of you might be wondering how come Wolverine is not up in that list. Well to be honest with you, after the last 3 servings of X-Men, I've become quite dissillusioned with theX-Men-related movies. Not that I hate the characters. Maybe it's the director or maybe it's the plot. I don't know...but what I do know is that it does not have that much of an interesting story as compared to um..the Spiderman movies perhaps. Spiderman movies (all 3 of them) has all been done perfectly in my opinion. Great plot, great casts (but it get a bit tiring to see Peter constantly having to deal with his personal dilemmas/issues).

Just saw the ads to G.I Joe. Looks like a cool movie, might be checking it out too. We'll see how that one'll turn out.


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