I don't particularly have anything to blog about actually - just putting down a few pics taken earlier tonight.
Kids... they can sure make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside don't they.
Ketap! Ketap! Grin~~~

Again with the wish lists. Haha.

I've been reading a couple of (well...to be honest just one recently..lol) ebooks as of late. But it got me thinking about what are the better ways one could have to read these ebooks. I mean, who in their right mind would wanna carry around them bulky laptops (or even a netbook) just to read a book?
Then comes the tablet - or in my case - iPad. With a price tag of over 1k++ for it's cheapest model (suitable for cheap people like myself..ehem), I guess it's quite a hefty sum to pay. Though somehow I personally do think that in time it will prove to be a worthwhile investment due to its usefulness and practicality (ehem..since I am the kind of person who read a lot. No really - I do. )
Ahh..then I could read all those downloaded mangas, that Watchmen novel, that Marvel Civil War series - owh the joy! :)
For now though - I've been taking a break (or a long break/breaks rather) from my Oracle exam preparation and peeking/glancing/devouring/fantasizing on DSLR-related books by David duChemin. I like the fact that the book (Vision and Voice) not only stops to teach you how to properly fix or refine your pictures - it also includes his insight/philosophy on the art of picture taking. I kinda get that artsy feeling after downing a few chapters..lol.
Unfortunately for me - the hardcopy of the book is not available at the bookstores that I've gone to these past few days. Fortunately, there's Amazon (and my wife's credit card).
When selecting which ebooks to download - I find the reviews people put in Amazon to be of much help. I mean - can you imagine the amount of free (pirated) ebooks available out there? A LOT! And knowing me - sometimes I just feel like downloading all of the ebooks available out there (the one that interests me of course). There's just so much stuff to learn - but so little time. So due that latter factor mentioned - time - I guess the next best thing (or rather the smarter thing) is to actually rely on others before me who've actually gone through and digested them.
Running out stuff to rant - returning to my faithful (with those occasional blue screen) laptop to read some more ebooks.


Is seriously thinking of getting himself a Bigfoot. I'm pretty sure it's gonna cost me an arm and a leg though...

Sigh~...guess I'm really a sucker for these sort of things.

Safiyya is now 4 months old. Her weight by now have gone up to around 7 kg.
Not that any of those numbers matter to me, since it hardly mean anything when you got nothing to compare it against with. As far as I'm concerned, as long as the figure is somewhere near that dotted line in that monthly medical check up chart of her's - guess that's good enough for me.
People have been telling me that she's quite big and heavy for her age. But again - as long as the numbers are within those dotted lines in that chart - that's normal enough for me.
While I love to go on and on and just write about Safiyya, I guess that wouldn't fairly reflect the life that I'm living on right now. It probably won't matter to me now - but I guess when I'm old and forgetful (and would probably wet my pants every now and then) - I'd also want to know what else was going on with my life back then (the time when I'm not pissing in my pants) at this very moment. And while I would love to say that it was all about caring and loving and giving that huge, long kiss on her cheek everyday morning and night (and repeating that on the next day) - I could not.
I do other things as well. Yes Hafidz, you do other things as well in case you've forgotten about it.
You go to work. You have a wife. You have that brother up in Purdue who's still in some weird dilemma on how to lead his life. You have your parents who've just got back safely from Amman, Jordan. And your big sister is about to give birth to a baby girl next month insyallah. And that baby's name is probably going to be Aleesha Qaira (thanks mom for "accidentally" slipping the name out).
Work is ... well it's getting dull I guess. But one would probably expect this sort of things when one have been with a company for quite sometime. After awhile it gets kinda repetitive. And unchallenging. I guess what I'm trying to say is I need something to challenge myself with. Might be a new job scope. A new responsibility. A new side-project. Or maybe, a new job. For now though - I'm just working on my Oracle SQL certificate. Has been quite awhile since I did one of this things. I kind of missed it (the studying part) as well I guess (the last one was CCNA). These journey-to-get-that-certificate really kinda motivates you in wanting to study those things which you know would benefit your career but sometimes are just simply lazy to do. And after that -well probably another Oracle cert as well. DBA? PL/SQL? Haven't really given much thought about that yet. Baby steps...
I like studying I suppose. My brother loves it too. He likes it so much that he's probably gonna end up doing a PhD after he finishes his studies next year. Personally I'm kinda hoping that he does it oversea since their universities have that conducive learning environment that is so scarce (IMO) in Malaysia. Not that I have an insider's view or anything - it's just my general perception of how things are in Malaysia. I might be wrong.
Myself? Though I don't see myself pursuing a PhD in the near vicinity - I wouldn't scratch that possibility just yet. I might do it - though not yet. I prefer to do it when I have achieved financial stability for my family. I prefer to do it when I'm doing it for the sake of learning and the better understanding of things I love to know more about - like stuff on telecommunication for instance. Hurmmmm..now that I think about it - nahh. Haha. I'd rather appreciate the knowledge that people already has discovered and make/innovate something useful/fun using them rather than discovering new frontiers. Guess I'll just leave that discovering part to my brother. :)
But yeah - people should love studying. I'm not sure how things will fare in the future - but I have a gut feeling that people (or rather our kids' generation) will eventually define the process of studying/research as "the ability to write a successful google query on based the given question at hand". While I have to admit, googling have saved me a lot of valuable time getting me that useful bit of information - it still does not equate to a proper, methodological process of knowledge derivation (in which I might add would also give you more substance to your understanding).
The process of learning is actually quite simple. You always start at the beginning. And you would end at the very end. If you do somehow find something from the middle pages (like googling) - chances are you won't know what to make of it anyhow. After a few clicks and hours of confusion - you realize that you might as well just pick that book off of Amazon and have a go through the whole thing.
From my experience, I find that everyone that I've met along is not, in any way; stupid. Some people just learn faster than others, while some are slower. So far I haven't had any chance of meeting any geniuses along the way - but I guess those people are few and far between.
So that just leaves us average folks who has to learn/study the way normal way. The hard way. Sometimes I hear people arguing - "owh, but you don't have to learn it that way - learn the smart way instead". Bulls. It is correct I guess up to certain extent - but it only can apply to a select few. Try preaching that "study smart" idea to the class at the end of the hallway where their teachers can only dream of having their students ace-ing their papers. They (the students) don't learn the smart way because they choose not to - it's because they can't. Repetition method would probably work best with those bunch. But don't make the mistake of labelling them stupid or anything. To me, it's just a simple fact that they don't learn things they way most people do. Well actually most people I think don't even learn the smart way - they still do the it the hard way - but think that it's the smart way. Go figure.
Sometimes I feel really disappointed with our exam-oriented education system. How people who aces the UPSRs, the PMRs, the SPMs - would be perceived as smart and intelligent and be given all the help they can get to pursue their dreams on achieving greater heights. Is it even actually fair to do that? To make that judgement call - to say that so and so is a smart person whilst so and so is not; when the latter student probably had not been given the learning environment that would give him a better chance or an equal footing with his/her peers in acquiring knowledge?
What am I talking about?
I am talking about the different methods of teaching and knowledge acquisition by people. You see, people are different - when it comes to how they acquire knowledge. Some learn best by listening, some learn best by viewing, some uses repetitions and others - well they have their own methods. My point is - there is not a one sure-fire method that would ensure that knowledge be acquired in it's "wholesomeness" (for lack of a better word). Different people rely on different method.
So it's quite astounding that some schools (if not most/all) are using the same method to teach kids around the nation and somehow expect them all to ace the papers. I guess it's OK if children here in Malaysia are cloned from a single copy and would all probably share the same learning method - but that's just fantasy. As a result, some would eventually be penalized due to their "different" way of picking things up. Hence - perceived as a failure.
Parents and teachers. IMO, those two should play a crucial role in identifying how their student/children would learn best. If you wanna wait for the kid to actually tell you how they learn best - it's probably gonna be too late by then.
In my ideal dreamlike world - a series of tests and interviews should be run prior to the your kid submission into a school, so that they could identify the most optimal method of teaching. And even the school is not your typical everyday school that you see nowadays. The school would function like our modern day colleges - they don't have to learn everything under the sun - just a few. They pick the subjects that they want to learn about - where their interest and strength lies in. There's no point in sending your kids to learn heavy maths if the only thing that he/she could see when they look at the books are numbers and alphabets going upside down and sideways (that's a known disease btw). Let them learn art or craftsmanship instead (or maybe even bakery).
Let them enjoy learning instead of them having to feel sorry for themselves. Empower them. Encourage them. Support them.
Personally, I don't think people are stupid. They've just been taught the wrong way.

I love having a her around.
I love seeing her antics everyday - I don't think there's any dull moment with her around. Of course - that is somewhat of an overstatement. But in general - I really do love having her around. She would make all sorts of faces - and when you've been with her for sometime, you'd tend to recognize what does each face she makes means. Sometimes she gets annoyed, at times she'll have that i-have-a-stomach-ache face, in the mornings she'll give you that million dollar smile (and some laughter too), in other times she'll pester you with her "tak ikhlas" cry, and etc etc.
We'd take her practically everywhere we go to these days. To the bank, to the hypermarket, even to IKEA. I'd have to say that dad's baby carrier (bought for Aqilah, but seldomly used) has been a big help (a VERY big help).
Another invention that warrants a huge kudos is the digital camera - for which without it we wouldn't be able to catch that "moments" in our everyday life with relative ease. As for me, I'm thankful for them digicams for it provides me with the necessary materials for me to make fun of my daughter later in her life. Yes Safiyya, your dad IS like that. :)
"Penat si Safiyya ni - tidur sampai alas tangan lagi"
"Hehe - dah baring pun masih nak alas tangan lagi?"

3 months.

Or is it 2 months? Probably around 3 months or so. Yeah.. 3 months I suppose.
That's how long I've stayed here in Desa Subang Permai - at my in laws' place. I've been here since Safiyya was like 2 weeks old and have stayed here ever since. She's now 2 1/2 months old.
So umm yeah - it's around 2 months.
A lot of stuff has happened since then (thank you mr. obvious).
Another one of my colleague is leaving. Another one. I guess it's kinda of the "in" thing nowadays amongst us who've been here around 2 years or so. The greener pasture - that pot of gold over the rainbow. Of course - who wouldn't budge if they've got a better offer eh? I know I wo... now let's just keep that between me and myself for now. lolz.
But generally most of us do agree that there's basically nothing wrong here in the first place. No politics (not that apparent anyways), good environment to thrive in (and to some - quite comfortable at times) and a lot of other good things. So yeah - generally we don't really have much stuff to bitch about - other than stuff like complaining about our salary, chasing that "better offer", heavy workload etc etc. Sometimes though - I think we're pretty much making those stuff up just to "have" a decent conversation. Well you gotta talk about something during those tea breaks right?
She's been beefing herself up real good. She is so beefed up right now I think those people at the gym would kill to have a body like hers. That's how beefed up my daughter is. So beefy. Hehe.
Sometimes it just amazes me how that simple origin of breastmilk (they came from breasts, if you're still wondering) can have so much nutrition that Safiyya seems to get heavier by the days. Subhanallah. I guess that why breastmilk is the best milk meant for them. And it's easy on the wallet too. Yeah. So no complaints in that department.
Every morning is a cheerful event to Safiyya. You can usually catch her at her best mood during the early morning after she wakes up. You can say just about anything - make any lame jokes - and she can make you feel that you're as talented as Russell Peters (or Afdlin Shauki - whichever is your preference).
Insyaallah, I plan to relocate our little family to a place which is nearer to our families in Shah Alam. Hopefully we manage to work that plan out and become Shah Alam-ian in a couple of months. For now though, I guess I'll have to refrain myself from updating the status of the acquisition any further since it's not yet a done deal. The wheels have been set into motion though - so..yeah..that's that.

A couple of days back, probably last week - my boss called me in for a chat.

"Now what could this be about" - I wondered to myself. I recently got a baby (read my earlier blog post) and I was secretly hoping that they'll use this as an excuse to give a salary hike.
Apparently, somehow, someway; the people in the higher up have found out about my blog - and my seemingly "negative" outlook on the company (and no news of me getting a raise either :( ).
Dun dun dun.
Not that it really matters I suppose (to me that is). It was written, because that was how it was the way I saw it back then. I read back those posts which were seemingly "negative" - didn't found anything wrong there to be honest. So I guess I couldn't really understand what the fuss was all about actually. Though I could understand their concern on the 'company-image' part.
Which company wouldn't wanna protect it's image? For them to be a competitive, they have to have the "right" people. And to get that "right" people - you'd have to deserve them. You'd have to have the right outlook so that the "right" kinda people would be drawn to you. Don't get me started on how image is perceived by shareholders - that's a totally different chapter.
But they were professional about it (yay!). And deservedly earn my respect because of that. I've always like the 'open-communication' thing going on in the company. I've never felt uncomfortable to just barge in the boss' office and lay down how I feel about anything (not that I ever do those kind of things.). But in any case this recent experience proves just that.
Maybe the kind of posts I've been writing may have had a hand in putting off those talented people's interest in the company. Which really sucks I guess coz actually the place is a really good place to be in. Although I'd have to say - it's not for any type of people. You'd really have to be willing to learn and relearn. And work on the soft skills. And be prepared to face the customers shooting you million dollar questions.
Not that I mind - coz I honestly find it challenging and interesting. But as I said - what works for me probably won't be the same for you.
With great power comes great responsibility. Now that the blog has gained some visibility in the higher ups - chances are - every other people on the planet who's interested in Comptel would probably by chance stumble into here too. Which leads to "ethical" writing as compared "as-i-feel-at-the-moment" kind of writing.
Yeah right. IMO I should still be writing as-is.
I've been there once. A fresh graduate wanting to find that suitable job, looking eagerly for that suitable place, trying to get to know them "right" employer.
So I scoured the net. Read through forums. Linked up with people from the industry. Tried to get that "insider" information on who's good and who's bad, which company pays more than the rest of the pack and offering the best in terms of career growth and learning experience. In short, I was trying to get the best deal.
But those kinds of info are not that easy to come by. Especially the real, brutally honest, down to earth reviews which would really be a help in one's decision making.
I imagine employers nowadays must be really having a hard time trying to control their employees from exposing the "family" secrets. Sime Darby makes for a very good case study in this context.
Enough with that for now.
Last week I felt rather low when I found out that another of my "teh tarik" buddy is leaving. This particular fella was probably the closest person I could relate to there as an employee, due to the fact that we came from the same university, and joined in together as a fresh graduate. He'd probably have a good reason for it (to leave) I suppose.
Me? Sometimes I can't shake the feeling like my days here are numbered. One by one, my "teh tarik" buddies are leaving, and sometimes those things does influence you in certain ways. Maybe it's just how people behaves these days - they see a better option - and off they go (not that's it's a bad thing). Rossi mentioned that it's actually quite normal to see people leaving in batches - it happened during his days too.
Probably it's natural. Maybe. But it's kinda hard to keep focusing on your goal when you're facing this kind of predicament (my goal is trying to become an architect btw). I have this weird idea where I thought if I could stay long enough - I could become this one helluva guru on mediation. Yeah - we'll just see how that one pans out now won't we.
It's getting late. Better finish this post now so that I could play with Safiyya. :)


I officially became a dad last Sunday on the 25th of July 2010. The time was 4:16pm. I was waiting outside the operating theater - rather restless - waiting for any news from the inside.
Earlier that day, the doctor had given my wife some kind of fluid to help induce her contraction.
It wasn't a pretty sight, trust me. Over 5 long, painful and agonizing hours - her opening has just increased by probably a single cm. The nurse told us that she probably had a thick servic (if that is how you spell it). So I've decided to hell with trying to go via the normal procedure and just bring on the caesarian. Personally and I don't think my wife can take this amount of pain any longer. It hurts her - and me.
"Ya Allah selamatkanlah kedua isteri dan anak ku". Silently I waited and prayed outside. You could say that it was one of those moments where the clock seems to somehow tick real slow and a second could seem like a lifetime.
I was all by myself in the waiting room. Sitting in some beat-up couch - looking to my left and right, but mostly towards the door of the O.T. "What's taking them so long?" I pondered on.
Earlier the nurse had said that the c sect procedure would normally take around 15 minutes for the baby, and another 1 hour for the mother. It's been nearly 30 minutes past 4pm, I haven't heard anything from inside yet. 30 minutes - is not how long it would normally take. The mind games had begun.
Somewhere, in a distant place, I could hear a flat tone slowly ringing - like those flat lines sounds you hear when the heart is no longer beating. I wasn't sure whether the sound i heard was just me or whether it's real - but it did gave my head some severe headache and my heart went on an emotional roller-coaster.
At that moment I could never imagine living without my significant other. I'd probably quit my day job and put myself into an oil rig or off into some ship somewhere - somewhere far away from here to forget all about my previous life and start again from zero.
As my eyes starts to swell, I could feel the tears were just waiting for me to give the go-ahead.
And then the cleaner came. Talk about an anti-climax moment.
And I was like (while swearing and cursing inside) trying to control myself before the watergate opens up.
The cleaner sure took her sweet time cleaning the floor around the waiting room I can give you that.
Later that day I found out that the baby (girl) was safely delivered, and her mother was OK too. "Alhamdulillah" - I thought to myself.
That pretty much sums up my first waiting-for-your-wife-to-deliver experience.
Quietly, on some nights - I realize that this baby - this little bundle of joy of mine is going to grow up someday. She's gonna learn to walk, go to school, go to some college and probably meet up with some guy that would probably sweep her off her feet and they'll get married and live happily.
By then though ... she would no longer be our little girl ... she would no longer need me to carry her around ... she would no longer need me to feed her ... change her diaper ... give her that nudge so that she burps after she drinks milk.
Right now thinking about her growing up and be independent and lead her own life somehow brings sorrow to my heart. It aches deep. It aches long. It's like - it's like somehow I wish things could go on like this forever. Guess I kinda like having her being dependent on me. Guess I already miss my little girl.
To Mom...to Dad, know that I love you guys very much and if you need(or don't need) anything from me you guys just say the word and I'll make it happen.
To Safiyya Amani, dad loves you very much too.
Safiyya strikes back!

It's around 10pm now, and in a couple of hours Germany will be playing against Spain in the World Cup semi final. Personally I'm not rooting for either of them since my team (England) have packed their bags a long time ago. Paul "Oracle" Octopus have predicted that Spain will win this one - we'll just have to wait for tonight's match now don't we.

I've been living for a few days now (or has it already been weeks?) at my in laws. OKla. No complaints here. Been great so far. Will be staying here until the new kid comes into this world and later we're gonna have to wait until her/his mummy get over her 'pantang' period. 2 months? 3 months? I actually have no idea. Not in any rush to go anywhere though. Just going with the flow for the time being.

Apart from that - my D90 have just arrived from the US! Yay!! Second hand-lah tapi. Bought it from my lil' bro - who's gonna get (or rather has already gotten) himself a D300 as a substitute.

Dad later bought me a bag and a 50mm/1.8 lense for my camera. Haha - dad sure has a knack of buying me things without me having to ask for it. He actually called me at work the other day and simply asked "..yang lense ko nak tu 50mm 1.8 kan? Abah dah dkat kedai ni.." - that pretty much stops me saying "no thanks dad" doesn't it? I mean the guy is 'already' at the shop (what is he doing there at work hour anyway?)

In any case - thanks abah :)

Life is kinda funny when you think about it. You already know how it started - and you know how it's gonna end. But you never are quite sure what's gonna happen in between...no sir.

It's like you're driving down some road. You take off from your house - and you have this particular destination in mind. But there's just so many road you could choose from in order to get there. And if you're in a foreign land - the best bet is to get yourself a driver to get you to your destination. Or if you're cheap - then go get a map. Or a compass. Or a GPS.

One does not simply drive one's car in the middle of nowhere without a goddamn GPS/map/compass. Well, arguably you could if there's a gas station nearby and you could ask for the direction there - but that's not the point.

Everyone needs a map.

For life, one actually "does" have a map. It's called the Quran.

Like any other road trip - there's always gonna be some detour here and there, and bumps along the way. Heck if you're so unlucky - someone might even steal your car. I guess life is..pretty much like a road trip doesn't it.

I always wonder sometimes, what if I've taken the other road instead - like making different choices during my younger days. Like what if we didn't move to Canada? what if I didn't go to the boarding school malacca? (those what ifs question running about can be a real time waster sometimes)

Looking back - I guess I'm pretty satisfied with what I ended up with in the end. It's like seeing pieces of a jigsaw puzzle falling into place just nicely. Or probably that's just how I usually see things - turning some weird sequence of events and make it all about how those events actually are beneficial to me. Some may call it positive thinking - others call it an act of desperation. I prefer the former obviously.

Okay okay - before I continue I might as well just 'fess up about what made me ramble on and on about this choices and life thing. I was looking at my schoolmates facebook photos just now and saw some stuff which...well let's just say there not the kind of photos that you would want to show to your parents and say "Hey mom, meet my friends!". And it's not just "a" friend - it's like the my whole gang! And I was like - if I had stayed, would I end up this way? Different paths, different journeys.

Maybe that's just Allah's way of leading me (who am I kidding, it's already written). Wallahu'alam.

Somehow up until today I can't really shake the you-gotta-be-kidding-me feeling everytime I saw those pics. Maybe because the last time I was friends with them they were all so..innocent and good and wholesome and..all those other things. Maybe I'm just too naive. Or maybe I just want to be naive. It's a whole lot simpler that way. I like simple things - don't you?

It's true what they say you know - you really have to pick your friends carefully. Took me 20 years or so to realize that. Hopefully to whoever's reading this - you've find your own "friends" already.

Din in the US

..yeah..that's my brother right there. :)

Yesterday, or more accurately last Saturday - was Labor Day.

It usually is a chance for all of us middle income earners to take a seat back and relax and maybe enjoy the holiday, reading up on a good book or two.

In my case - none of that happened of course. The day came on a saturday - on worse of all it's not gonna be replaced on your mon - fri office days - which really sucks IMO. But I guess that's just typical of non-managers like me I suppose - to always want less work - and earn as much money as I could by the end of the month.

In any case, that's not really where I am actually going here. This post is more about this event which (ehem ehemm..) yours truly have arranged for his office mates.

Organizing events can be a hard thing to do. More so when it involves a lot of people. Luckily - the guys I work with makes it look really easy. Just needed a few phone calls and emails and we were all set. At first I thought that this event wouldn't catch fire among the Comptelians - luckily though, it did. In the end, 18 people decided to play, and were later divided into 2 teams - Red VS Blue. Me, I'm a Red.

We got there at Rimba Harmonis separately. The plan was for the briefing to start at 10 am. The map on their website is quite confusing I have to say - even for the people who actually lives up there in the Wangsa Maju area. Luckily there was Google Earth. Had that map studied the night before just so that I wouldn't get lost the day after.

After we all got there, the manager of place started off with a briefing of the rules and regulations of the sport. Gears, safety precautions, basically all the do's and don't's.

After that, we took a tour of the playing fields and discussed on the format of the game that we are "suggested" to play. In this case - it was "Raise the Flag".

We actually played around three rounds of those. 2 in the simulated jungle (I call it Jungle 1), and 1 in an actual jungle (well actually it's more like semak-samun je sebenarnye. But it's the realism that matters here. Let's call it Jungle 2).

Jungle 2. The "real" warzone.

And off we go. That's me with the brown vest and yellow/white sleeve shirt.

Shirt looks clean there. Nice :). This is Jungle 1 btw.

Me laughing my ass off. Our Captain (Theenesh) meanwhile can be seen grieving his knee injury. He later had to get his ass out of the game.

Muke budak tak puas ati. Macho giler. Haha.

Ini kalo tak salah ni time main Chicken Run - 2nd round.

Posing dgn gear pulak.

Penat gile tuu...


Match Result
1. Raise the Flag (Jungle 1) = Draw
2. Raise the Flag (Jungle 1) = Draw
3. Raise the Flag (Jungle 2) = Draw
4. Chicken Run (Jungle 1) = Blue won.
5. Chicken Run (Jungle 1) = Blue won.
6. Chicken Run (Jungle 1) = Blue won.

Red Team lost all 3 of the Chicken Run matches. Not sure what happened there. Maybe the team was not divided equally. Haha - dah kalah mmg la argue macam2.

At the end of the day, it was a very tiring event. Memang tak cukup nafas. I was running all over the place. Haha - when I can't run, I rolled. Literally was bak kate Shin-chan - "guling-guling macam tenggiling". In some instances I would just throw away my gun and would simply just run. Maybe I was unconsciously trying to re-enact some scenes from all those action movies. Maybe it was the adrenaline. Maybe it was just the sense of wanting to get things done. Whatever it is - it was surely fun.

Now - I can hardly walk straight. I even have trouble walking, sitting and even while lying down. Body aches all over. The bruises look bad - but actually the muscle pull is the real bitch here. Hurts like hello good morning America.

My original intention of the event (besides fulfilling that urge to simply shoot your friends once in awhile) was to bring people together. To build that bridge. To create that bonding experience where teamwork can be developed out of the office. The way I see it - events like these can beat all those corporate team building exercises by tenfold.

Well, that's just how I think of things lah. :)

Bean Bags

Finally, the bean bags are ready.

Here are some rather "shameless" pics of myself trying to promote my wife's bean bag business. Hopefully, there are done not in vain.

Those interested are welcomed to send me an enquiry at hafidzzulkifli[at]hotmail[dot]com. The size is at 60" by 47", and prices are around RM250 - RM300.

That's me on the left. Went out for lunch at Bubba Gump with a couple of my office mates a few days back. Had myself a Bourbon Street Baramundi and a lemonade. The food was great, especially when the guy on the right was the one who pays for them - sweeet~

And for those who's maybe thinking that the Bourbon could be haram (since the name kinda sounds like an alcoholic beverage), here's an excerpt from the Sun newspaper website,
You can wiki what bearnaise means on your own I suppose. In any case, I think I'm starting to miss the meal already.

p/s: I also have a new favourite drink! It's called the Oreo Milkshake of Secret Recipe :)

I'd like to begin this blog with a little article that I've read recently (taken from here).

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.

Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups – porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite – telling them to help themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: ‘If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups… And then you began eyeing each other’s cups.

Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of Life we live.

Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us.’ God brews the coffee, not the cups…..Enjoy your coffee!

‘The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.’

Live simply.
Love generously.
Care deeply.
Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to God.
You are the miracle, my friend,
Your life either shines a light – or casts a shadow.
‘The purpose of life is to live life with purpose’

True enough, we all do like to have the best looking cups around don't we. But alas, it's the coffee that matters (I miss the coffees in NZ~).

Speaking of coffee, I think I might need to lessen my coffee intake nowadays. Bad for the bones it seems. Me and my pals were discussing about the effects of coffee the other day (actually it was quite some time ago), and we came across this fact (which my friend had actually googled while we were having lunch) that coffee can actually decrease the body's ability to absorb calcium - hence bad for the bones. But the effect can actually be offset by taking milk. Drinking a glass of milk would basically simply remove the "bad" effect of coffee.

So that's that.

Right now it's April. And in Comptel, April is a month that basically has everyone on their toes. It's the month that basically determines whether one should stay in the company or simply move their asses elsewhere. It's the month that the salary is revised. Whether it be in the form of increment, or readjustment - or whatever. Bonus too if um not mistaken.

Me? I guess I'm eyeing for my next payslip as well (cause they normally don't openly declare these sorts of thing). Whether the number would be the same as the last, or will it change for the better. Rumour has it that they're gonna be a mass exodus should there be no increment this year. But then - that's just the rumour lah, there won't be anyone from Comptel that can prove it. Quite a hot topic of discussion nowadays - especially during lunch time. :)

The migration project that I've been a part of for the last year or so is finally coming to an end. Been awhile - loved to be a part of it. People say that experiences in projects makes for an impressive resume. Well frankly um kinda hoping it would look that way. Having a good looking resume is always a good thing. Makes job hopping easier - wink wink to all the hunters out there.

Currently though um stuck doing support work for the next 6 months. The boss says that it's gud a learning experience. Well - we'll just have to see about that now don't we.

On the other side of life, I've been doing a lot of things as of late. Renovating the house mostly. Ever since our effort of getting a new house kinda hit the wall a few months back - I basically called an audible and decided that we might as well just settle for what we have right now and just make the best of it.

That basically means this house in Sepang is going to be our house for the next 5 years or so.

Got a new paint job for the wall.
Got laminated wooden flooring at the living room.
Replaced the tiles in the kitchen.
Extended the table top in the kitchen.
Will add a kitchen cabinet soon, hopefully by end of this week.

Also, currently I am working on applying a new look on my mom's old black shelf that she has way back when she was young. Hopefully it would look good. Planning for it to have that rustic white touch to it. Been spending a lot of tiresome nights on that piece of wood. Tiresome - but satisfying at the same time.

I guess you can call me a programmer by day, self-help guy by night. Or at least that's how I look at it lah.

The bean bag project is looking great. I actually now have a usable and rather presentable bean bag to land myself onto each time I'm in front of the TV. Love the flexibility of it.

Not sure whether we're ready to sell them just yet though. Currently we're in the "fine-tuning" phase of the project. Several things needs to be fixed still. Like the velcro and stuff. The price can be intimidating to some - so the cost factor would have to be looked into as well.

While we're on that project - the wife has started another project in parallel. Make that two. One is the Ariana tudung, and the other is the cloth diaper. The Ariana project is going OK I suppose, right now we're trying to gauge the market in Ipoh, since we know that we can sell the tudung at a competitive price there. For the cloth diaper - I think that we'll just wait for our baby to arrive first before we actually sell any of them. Need the kid to do some factory testing if you know what I mean.

I'm no entrepreneur. But I love to be a part of it. It's kinda thrills you I guess. The idea that you can achieve something from nothing is simply inspiring. And it's no fantasy either. It just requires you to do own homework and have enough drive and tenacity to go forward and take what you think is yours. Sometimes I wish I had the time to do a proper research and later embark on some entrepreneurial project, but I guess someone still needs to pump in the capital - and I guess that person would have to be me. For now I'll just leave the projects to my wife. Hopefully she's reading this and get inspired somehow rather. ;)

A year has passed us by and in few more months, god willing; we're going have an addition to our small family. Hopefully we'll be able to take good care of this amanah.

A stable job. A house. A wife. Good health. Relatively sharp mind (needs more work here). Upcoming baby.


My coffee does taste good in this plain ol' cup after all.

January 2010

Today is the 11th of January 2010.

My wife is going to go for medical checkup tomorrow at the Klinik Kesihatan. Gonna get her tummy scanned tomorrow. Hopefully,..just hopefully she remembers to take a pic of it. She already went scanned 2 times before and both of the times she could only "tell" me of it. I'd rather she "showed" it. But enough complaining I guess. At least I know that it's there and it's growing fine.

I think she more or less in her 10th-11th week of pregnancy. Not sure on the exact date though (it's not like I keep track of these things).

Work sucks <- or at least I think it is. Actually though it does not. Things are getting interesting I guess, with me being given responsibilities that I in all honesty do not know how to handle. But fun I guess - coz it's new stuff. But 2 years of employment is fast approaching - and with that also comes the 3 months notice period. Not a welcoming thought I said to myself. Plus the Malay population in the company seems to decreasing in a short notice. With all the massive amount of staff that we're getting - I'm surprised that almost all of them are non-Malays. Not to say that I disagree, perhaps there weren't any Malay who applied for the vacancy in the first place eh, who knows.

Everybody seems to be resigning these days. My coolest office buddy left a year ago (okay fine, i guess he doesn't count), my 2nd coolest buddy left in the last 2 week, and later this year more Malays are going out the office. It's like everyone is abandoning this ship all of a sudden. And surely I don't intend to be the last Malay standing. It's pretty depressing to be the last one there I can tell you that. As a person, I'm not a very talkative person. But I do enjoy talking crap with my Malay friends every now and then. A teh tarik session during the evenings - I miss those days.

So what does happen when all the Malays are gone? You end up having to talk to everyone in Anglais. Not that it's a bad thing. It is after all, one of the reason I sent myself to work in an MNC. But then I was under the impression that everyone in the MNC would also talk in English - not Chinese. So you end up feeling like a loner in your own country. Geez, I might as well migrate to some foreign country and work there. I am soo not feeling the love at the moment.

But that wouldn't be the main reason now mind you. It's A reason, but not the main one. The main one I guess would be the growth factor. I've been here for quite some time now and it feels like at times that I am not adding much value to my self. My value is like a constant - I'm neither good, nor bad. Just right there smack in the middle of nowhere - in limbo. Maybe I need to take some time off to go do some studying. I know I'd like that very much, if they can provide such a thing. Send me on some training or sorts, that sure would be nice.

But no, I guess they rather not do so for the time being. So the only thing for me to so is to change the environment myself.

I don't like feeling stupid. The fear of feeling stupid actually makes me WANT to study more. And here in my current company, I'm feeling kinda stupid. I mainly contribute that to my degree which is totally different from what I'm doing right now. But in any case, to feel smarter would require time to study - and time is just something that I don't seem to have enough of these days.

I'm not sure how this is going to pan out later. Maybe I'll take sometime off after I'm done with this project. Do some studying in some mountain somewhere - get smart again. Or maybe I'll just take my chances elsewhere. I might get back to the same predicament I suppose, but I'll sure as hell make an extra bucks there than here :)

In any case - in the long run, studying at home is still the way to go I suppose. In which if that is to be the case, I should get a job that is really 9am-5pm, so that my afterwork-hours can really be spent on some quality studying time instead of doing work-after-hours.

Okay, enough ranting. Time to do some reading. G'Night.


The below is a post dated 29.11.2009

Just a couple of days back, whilst getting ready to go to work - my wife suddenly yelled out to me.

"Abang. 2 line.."

And I thought to myself, "Ooo..OK..", without knowing what it really meant. I was like - umm..maybe it's negative again. Life goes on I guess. Try and try again..

"Sini jap bang..tengok ni.."

And she then walks closer, bringing along the test kit box so that I could actually see what 2 lines actually meant - positive.

And how in the world are you supposed to react to that.

I mean..WOW!

But of course lah - in actuality, I didn't over react or anything like that. Actually it was more like OK, your wife is pregnant - nice. Now where did I put my socks again?

I guess the news didn't really sink into my head at the moment. Takes a couple of minutes more for it to be digested.

As I went off to go to work - the news then really hit me. And I was like..."hmm..and now I have a kid". I grinned and smiled and the mind starts to ponder on how great this news is. But I was also at the same time kinda afraid - afraid of that 9 months journey.

A lot of things can happen in 9 months. All of sudden those news of accidents and miscarriages doesn't seem that insignificant anymore. It now serves as a reminder to you and your family. It now seems more important and screams out "DAMN IT, READ ME YOU IDIOT! I DEMAND ATTENTION!!".

As of today, she has taken the test 3 times already. So far all the test kits points out to the obvious - positive. For now it's a secret though - she doesn't intend to do a tell-all just yet. So for those who might be reading this, your discretion is very much appreciated. We'll let others know when we are ready. For now, please keep the news to yourselves.

Tomorrow - or rather later today, she'll be going for her first medical checkup at the Salak Tinggi's Klinik Kesihatan. If everything goes out smoothly, she'll get the necessary supplements and what not.

As for me - I guess it's time to start saving some money for her delivery and the kid's future.

Life sure is interesting. Even more so when you are given the 'amanah' to take care of a life other than your own.


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