semalam gi studio astro tgk tanya linda. Join ngan ajk2 cendi, aibob, n tah mane lagi budak yg aku tak knal. haha. tapape je. aku buat aa stail org jepun dtg ngare org len..khulu khilir ngn kamera..bajet nk amek gamba aa..pastu...rupenye tak dibenarkan. chet!. tapi dgn degilnye aku retaliate. yeah! power to the people..dpt jugak aku snap skeping due. pape pun pastu stelah nak dkat sejam aku rase kitorang dok mlangok kat lobi layan fa cup moments kat espn, kitorang pun dibawa le k kafeteria makan nasi goreng. panas siot. newho dlm kol 1030pm camtu akhirnya kitorang dpt masuk dlm studio. oo..ini rupenye anak pak onn. yg kacip fatimah tuu..topik aritu pasal jualan album kat malaysia. so adela kot dlm 45 min jugakla rakaman tu berlgsg. siap si megat pun join skali nak betah. bagus. uniten power. lpas ni sume webserver kat cendi tutup pasal dak megat dah berjaye mengkantoikan sume. hahaha. bengong.

..dan itula dia, cik linda onn bersama aku n pedot. pretty small from the looks of it. oh well.. more sife projects. sweeeett~
my day began at approximately 8 am today. woke up, did some laundry, and then came the phone call from huda.

"apis..ko da bangun ke blom?"
"err..dah..dah, aku da bangun. asal?"
"aku nak pinjam reket ko bole x? aku da kat mph ni"
"..bole je. korang da stat main blom?"
"blom..aku baru je sampai ni. diorang tengah pasang2 net ni ha.."
"ha ok ok..kasi aku dlm 10 min.." rite then aku cam tgh cam nak mandi aa kan..
"weh..satu lagi..ko pegi tak OKU ni?"
"huh? pegi la kot..tak sure lagi. nape?"

honestly?..i was thinking of NOT going..

"coz leah nak pegi..but die tatau jalan. ko tau jalan kan?"

shit. now i "have" to go.

"uh huh..ok..ok then..10 min..nak siap2 trus.."

so off i went to the mph, n then to the plpp, then back to the see the guys who had kicked my ass the other day, went on to be the eventual champions. wonder we lost that bad. i remembered the tournament i had in was karate, not badminton however. newho, by losing to the eventual finalist..or was it semi finalist.., i was given a chance to fight with another guy. and then the winner would be given a chance to work their way up the ladder. i dunt know how the system works..feels kinda fair though. newho..just for the sake of the story, i lost to that other guy also. crappy day, i know..tell me about it.

now what you can see here is feroz's most treasured stance. if i could remember it correctly, it is the "grab ur crotch and pee on the sidewalk" stance. you could actually feel the anger emanating from that strike of his..full of physical power..yet passionately let loose..

latest news! my sis is pregnant!! har har..i'll be a pak ngah soon enuf..7 months and countin. what am i actually suppose to feel when coming across a news like this?
i have no idea. i was like..owh...ok.. calm hafidz...calm like the gentle wind...

i might be movin to subang next week. um not sure about the exact date, but boy i sure hope that this will be the last one. packin stuff in,..gettin them out..packin them in..gettin them out..its boring as well as tiresome. i dont like it one bit. having said that though, at least now i have my own room. my own room..sounds nice. beats sleepin on the futon at the kitchen if only i can get that futon into my room in subang..

we lost. what else can i say. me and famie lost the match big time. boo-hoo. neway it was kinda nice seeing pyan n feroz sucked hard too. haha. guess it wasn't just us. hahahaha..amanah bole la wei.

and with that comes the end of the daily held training at amanah. would i keep my ass from gettin larger. shit.

just saw prison break finale. owh the near, yet so far. but one thing i like about the finale is sergeant sodomy gettin his hand cut off. gee that was fun. satisfying till the last drop.

and for those of you who taught adam had opened his company, being a technopreneur and stuff..well guys, u r in for a big surprise. i went to see Mi-3 the other day and as me and my buds went to a restaurant and on our way home i came to see a familiar face. yup. u guessed rite, it was adam - with a horribly done make-up, tryin to cover his ass off workin at a place like that. no wonder he could find the cash to buy that 7k car.

i guess looks can be deceivin eh?...i wonder if feroz really works at theres a thought

p/s: adam - i am so dissappointed in you. hehehe.

p/s to the p/s just now: that whole adam thing was a joke folks..get over it.

i just got back from the court at amanah. and boy am i tired. teamed up with famie and we went against the might of feroz and his buddy also named hafiz. neways, highlight of the match, i did what famie called a drive,..sorta like a smash but it it goes horizontally, well neways, as i was saying,..i did a drive..right onto the back of famie's head. thats right folks, his head. can u imagine..smashing the shuttle..and the all of that power going into someone's head. gee..i felt bad. feroz and his buddy were laughing all the way to the floor..well not his buddy,..he went to the nearby bench and tried to actually cover it up. feroz on the other hand..didn't hold back. i had to admit, i myself had a difficulty trying not to laugh so hard. hehehe..good thing famie was such a good sport and didnt kick me in the ass. if he ever did though..i guess i kinda earned it. hehe..could u blame him?

newho..we went on to play like 6, 15-points matches. and now here i am, jotting every detail of it.

earlier before match, me and famie finally had a talk about doing the montage. i knooww..sure..the montage is actually NOT that very important..but for me it is..well..i dont see it as THAT important..i mean its not a chore or me,it just provides me a way to channel out all that creative energy..hahah..i mean i have been reading flash book for how long now..3-4 years?..and i hadn't had the chance to try out all the tutorial in books i bought for god khows how many ringgit. so what the hey..its a good chance as any rite?

ahh..i got to finish some more movies of my dvds this evening. at last. i mean,..that is what were supposed to do in special sem right? enjoying our ass off before we reach the next sem?..hehe..anyway, thats the way i see it. "the man" was hilarious.

caine:who's he?..he looks like a cop
turk: him?..well he does look like a cop doesnt he?..but he's most certainly not..a cop.
caine:he does to me. are u sure he is not a cop?
turk: bitch. thats rite..he is my bitch. come here bitch.

hahahhah. life is sure good in the special sem..

always wanted a blog. i guess it'd be useful if i went dead n my kids wanted to see what kinda person i was. or perhaps i was hopin that some writer might stumble upon my blog and later make novel or better yet a movie out of it..that'd be a nice eh..a movie of my own...

newho, back to reality.

life is getting pretty boring though i'd sure like it that way for the time being. all work and no play make me...i can't remember how the saying goes..but u know what i mean.

um a bit dissappointed on how the montage project is going. It's hard to get things done when you don't have proper access to total control..or the bigger about dissappointment. Neway, it's not like it's all "their" fault and me being the victim here or nething. It's just that i'd like to do things quickly, get things done b4 i really need "time". but u can't blame other people coz they can't read ur mind right? heh,...i tell my gurl that all the time, and she's takin it pretty well i have to say.

gotta take control of this "montage" thing. it's getting on my nerves..hehe..but then again, it's a mental thing..just a state of mind..nothing an ice cream couldn't fix...or a doublecheese burger(was it a double cheese burger?)...with fries..hahah...brings back memories..

and when is tis mpp tourney really gonna be held? i was under the impression that it's gonna be tomorrow, but then i don't think tht famie is back yet at cendikiawan, and hell, um not even sure if um in the squad! (of course, then again, i could always have asked aza either by phone, or better yet at ym, but hey..if they don't know that u don't know, they can't blame u for nething coz u don't know, even though u do know the way to make it known to ya, but since they don't know u can do that, assuming that u do would be a mistake as well,..ah..the negligence excuse is always the wisest, most cunning of ways..)

actually um not that gud at badminton nehow, but when else can i get a chance to break out some sweat? thats a sport i can relate to.

ever read news from south africa? the zuma trial case? well, recently i got into tis habit of reading news from other countries, a habit i picked out of a tom clancy novel, and well, what is interesting about the zuma case is that, this is the first time that i've heard that the chances of a man getting HIV of an HIV positive women is actually less that from women getting it from men.

and not only it was a claim from zuma, it's also proven scientific fact. i! now um not suggesting that u go walking around with a dick in ur hand and start world war III in ur neighbourhood..but just...dang... and to top it off, he (zuma) was the head of an AIDS organization, but still he refuses to wear condom! either he was brave of just plain stupid is beyond me.

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