Time is relative to the one who is experiencing it.

For a person who is stationary, time moves in a steady stream. For a moving person, it will seem to be experienced differently.

Of late it has become a sort of a habit for me and wife to head to the kitchen after putting the kids to bed to just have a cup of coffee and chat about things. Sometimes I'd take out some snacks or ice cream to go with it.

We'd talk about the kids, our ideas, the past, the future.

Tonight was no different.

She had her almond shake. I had my coffee. We sat at the table opposite one another.

9 years it has been since we got married to each other. 3 kids.

Yet I still feel like that we haven't changed that much.

Went to KLCC earlier this afternoon. Brought the kids to the playground, had lunch at Chili's. A few days earlier I had a team lunch just a few tables away. Nelly Furtado's song was played back then. Never gets old.

She talked about the couple a few tables away from us, having lunch peacefully with their bigger kids (in comparison with ours). She wondered when we could do the same.

Muja threw a tantrum when we decided to head back to the car. All the way from Kinokuniya to the open space carpark beside the Mandarin Hotel. He was crying, screaming and hitting me throughout our walk back to the carpark.

Me and wife laughed it off. Wife said she wouldn't want it any other way.

Yeah... this is our story. Our kids, our journey. Why swap it with somebody elses'.

The kids grew up fast we thought to ourselves.

Too fast.

In this stationary situation that we're in, where my wife and I seemed stuck in a perpetual time loop in our own little bubble - everything around us seems to be moving by so fast. Work. Family. Kids.

Looked into her eyes as she was rambling about something else. We're still that pair of teenager who longs for each other's company.

I do that sometimes. Freezing time and just trying to capture the moment.

I told her that I love her.

"I know.", she cheekily smiled.


I think it's fast becoming a trend with me to only write a few blogpost each year. More often than not I attribute it to not having enough time to write about my life. I guess who'd read it right?

But alas - I would.

A talk with a friend recently reminded me of how interesting this blog used to be, and wondered whether I would continue writing. I really didn't know to be honest. While I was busy keeping track of all the social media feeds, podcasts, books to read, family, work, kids - guess I somehow lost myself along the way and forgot about this fortress of solitude.

Blogging has always been a way for me to express myself. Or rather - writing/typing has always been my best medium.

And I guess not everyone can do this - this blogging thing. Which is quite surprising for me actually, since it seemed to be easy for me. Well...it's easy if you're writing it to and for yourself with no particular audience in mind. Especially not to sell ads - that'd be harder I suppose.

Reading my past blogposts, I'm especially glad that I did write extensively when I was young (..ehem..). My nostalgic self appreciates it much. Looking at past pictures, the ones with baby Safiyya, playhouse and all - you tend to forget that those happened more than 5 years ago.

The playhouse now look more or less exactly the same as I've recorded it years ago yet Safiyya is now totally different.


Time flies.

At heart I still feel like I'm stuck in my early 20s. My body is aging, though not apparent. It has lost much of it's elasticity..but other than that I guess it's pretty much the same.

There's something about blogging that triggers this certain emotion. Like a whirlwind sucking you into a room of despair and hopelessness, provoking all those nostalgia, forcing you to reminisce about time long gone.

Or maybe that's because I'm a Pisces (we tend to sometimes get stuck in an emotional rollercoaster).

At the moment I have a plan to blog about the books that I read as a way to reinforce the things that I've learned. Perhaps that's one way I could get back to personal blogging (I also maintain www.hafidzzulkifli.com as a career-fronting blog).

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