I just went for 2 interviews yesterday.



First off you'd have to do a basic written test. They test you on languages such as Java, C, Perl and Unix knowledge. I only managed to answer a few questions in C and UNIX. The rest are i left as blanks.

Then comes the interview. I first sat down with a chinese lady. I think she has a technical background. She doesn't ask any hard and weird stuff (like the ones i had with SHELL), just basic questions like tell me about the course you're taking, more towards trying to find out what you're really into and finding out how your attitude is. So it's more less a personality+interest match. If you can sell yourself well, you'll be taken to the 2nd interview - in which you'll meet a finnish guy from management level. He'll give a talk about what the company does, and asks questions to find out whether you're really into programming or not. If you can demonstrate that you're really enthusiastic about learning new stuff and can basically be independent about it - I think he'll be interested to take you in. The basic salary range is 2000-3000. I don't know whether it's in USD or RM however.

Alhamdulillah, I got an offer to meet with one of their project leader - probably sometime next week to see whether I would really want to work with them or not.


The interview session I had was at the booth down at the career fair. It wasn't really a formal session, but nonetheless I had to sell my name to them sometime or later to convince them that I can contribute to their company. Newho, the interviewer asks basic question like, tell me about yourself. Using what you've said, she'll come up with the next question to see if can meet their criteria or not. One of them is your ability to work at various sites. Then after she's done, another lady chips in - she's more technical in nature, luckily I wasn't asked any SAP or programming based question - else I'd be quite f:)cked up if you know what I mean. She asks you about what you know about the company, and later what you know about SAP. Their salary range is above average according to them, and the period of training is six months.

Went for the Satyam interview today.

The test was OK i think. Not that easy, not that hard. Nevertheless um not that quite confident on passing the test.

Neway, there were 2 sets of questions. Each set has 15 questions. All are multiple choice types.The first set consists of questions to test your english skills. It's more or less similar to your SPM level paper.

The second tests your math knowledge. SPM level-onli, no differential equation or tht sorts of things. There's also some IQ tests in there.

p/s: I'm soooo disappointed that Accenture won't be doing their interviews at all this week.

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