the big tournament

we lost. what else can i say. me and famie lost the match big time. boo-hoo. neway it was kinda nice seeing pyan n feroz sucked hard too. haha. guess it wasn't just us. hahahaha..amanah bole la wei.

and with that comes the end of the daily held training at amanah. would i keep my ass from gettin larger. shit.

just saw prison break finale. owh the near, yet so far. but one thing i like about the finale is sergeant sodomy gettin his hand cut off. gee that was fun. satisfying till the last drop.

and for those of you who taught adam had opened his company, being a technopreneur and stuff..well guys, u r in for a big surprise. i went to see Mi-3 the other day and as me and my buds went to a restaurant and on our way home i came to see a familiar face. yup. u guessed rite, it was adam - with a horribly done make-up, tryin to cover his ass off workin at a place like that. no wonder he could find the cash to buy that 7k car.

i guess looks can be deceivin eh?...i wonder if feroz really works at theres a thought

p/s: adam - i am so dissappointed in you. hehehe.

p/s to the p/s just now: that whole adam thing was a joke folks..get over it.


  1. Anonymous said...'re funny! (with THAT cliche laugh ok..)

  2. Hudarling said...

    gile ahh..haha..ble tgk kt blog, it's the same!si adam penjual rotio canai~lalala~

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