the first issue

always wanted a blog. i guess it'd be useful if i went dead n my kids wanted to see what kinda person i was. or perhaps i was hopin that some writer might stumble upon my blog and later make novel or better yet a movie out of it..that'd be a nice eh..a movie of my own...

newho, back to reality.

life is getting pretty boring though i'd sure like it that way for the time being. all work and no play make me...i can't remember how the saying goes..but u know what i mean.

um a bit dissappointed on how the montage project is going. It's hard to get things done when you don't have proper access to total control..or the bigger about dissappointment. Neway, it's not like it's all "their" fault and me being the victim here or nething. It's just that i'd like to do things quickly, get things done b4 i really need "time". but u can't blame other people coz they can't read ur mind right? heh,...i tell my gurl that all the time, and she's takin it pretty well i have to say.

gotta take control of this "montage" thing. it's getting on my nerves..hehe..but then again, it's a mental thing..just a state of mind..nothing an ice cream couldn't fix...or a doublecheese burger(was it a double cheese burger?)...with fries..hahah...brings back memories..

and when is tis mpp tourney really gonna be held? i was under the impression that it's gonna be tomorrow, but then i don't think tht famie is back yet at cendikiawan, and hell, um not even sure if um in the squad! (of course, then again, i could always have asked aza either by phone, or better yet at ym, but hey..if they don't know that u don't know, they can't blame u for nething coz u don't know, even though u do know the way to make it known to ya, but since they don't know u can do that, assuming that u do would be a mistake as well,..ah..the negligence excuse is always the wisest, most cunning of ways..)

actually um not that gud at badminton nehow, but when else can i get a chance to break out some sweat? thats a sport i can relate to.

ever read news from south africa? the zuma trial case? well, recently i got into tis habit of reading news from other countries, a habit i picked out of a tom clancy novel, and well, what is interesting about the zuma case is that, this is the first time that i've heard that the chances of a man getting HIV of an HIV positive women is actually less that from women getting it from men.

and not only it was a claim from zuma, it's also proven scientific fact. i! now um not suggesting that u go walking around with a dick in ur hand and start world war III in ur neighbourhood..but just...dang... and to top it off, he (zuma) was the head of an AIDS organization, but still he refuses to wear condom! either he was brave of just plain stupid is beyond me.


  1. Hudarling said...

    nice posting dude. ;)

  2. Anonymous said...

    cant you see?? you HAVE the potential u know

  3. Hafidz said...

    potential? what potential?..hahaha

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