the second issue

i just got back from the court at amanah. and boy am i tired. teamed up with famie and we went against the might of feroz and his buddy also named hafiz. neways, highlight of the match, i did what famie called a drive,..sorta like a smash but it it goes horizontally, well neways, as i was saying,..i did a drive..right onto the back of famie's head. thats right folks, his head. can u imagine..smashing the shuttle..and the all of that power going into someone's head. gee..i felt bad. feroz and his buddy were laughing all the way to the floor..well not his buddy,..he went to the nearby bench and tried to actually cover it up. feroz on the other hand..didn't hold back. i had to admit, i myself had a difficulty trying not to laugh so hard. hehehe..good thing famie was such a good sport and didnt kick me in the ass. if he ever did though..i guess i kinda earned it. hehe..could u blame him?

newho..we went on to play like 6, 15-points matches. and now here i am, jotting every detail of it.

earlier before match, me and famie finally had a talk about doing the montage. i knooww..sure..the montage is actually NOT that very important..but for me it is..well..i dont see it as THAT important..i mean its not a chore or me,it just provides me a way to channel out all that creative energy..hahah..i mean i have been reading flash book for how long now..3-4 years?..and i hadn't had the chance to try out all the tutorial in books i bought for god khows how many ringgit. so what the hey..its a good chance as any rite?

ahh..i got to finish some more movies of my dvds this evening. at last. i mean,..that is what were supposed to do in special sem right? enjoying our ass off before we reach the next sem?..hehe..anyway, thats the way i see it. "the man" was hilarious.

caine:who's he?..he looks like a cop
turk: him?..well he does look like a cop doesnt he?..but he's most certainly not..a cop.
caine:he does to me. are u sure he is not a cop?
turk: bitch. thats rite..he is my bitch. come here bitch.

hahahhah. life is sure good in the special sem..


  1. Hudarling said...

    bored to death huh? ;)

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