job hunting - part deux

Job hunting is fun! Up until the part you have to make a decision that is. I mean which path you choose now determines how you lead your life in 2-3 years to come. And in my opinion..there's no turning back. Yeah can say, "but there's always a way back..", but to me..time is too precious too be spent in such a measly manner. Planning, is of the utmost importance.

So I have decided. I want to be in the telco industry. And I want to work in an English-speaking environment. I want to work in a non-malay majority company. So I guess that rules out GLCs. Why would I want that? I guess I just want to try out new things I suppose. Be out of my comfort zone. See what makes me tick.

It has to be an MNC. I hate jobs that requires you to wait and just monitor stuff around. Like pakcik guard kat bawah tu. I don't think I can work like him. I don't think that I'd be able to maintain consciousness in the way that he does it. I can't do nothing for hours! I have to do something..anything that is constructive..or destructive..wateverla, as long as I can keep my mind occupied. I remember being at the Comptel interview and was given a written test to finish off while waiting for my interviewer to arrive. I arrived kinda early because I was afraid of getting lost on the way there. Newho, cutting things short, I finished the paper, and was left all alone in the meeting room. Boy was I restless. Didn't know what to do..what to expect. And the last thing that I should do then was doze off and fall asleep. But thats the thing - its really hard not to!

Anyway, back to the original topic. Since I can't stand those waiting thingies I guess network monitoring is out for me too. And since most of the networking-based MNC are looking for those type of people..then I guess it's bye bye networking field. There aren't many foreign based system integrator in this country, most are local. Too bad. I would love to be a system integrator..if not for the measly pay and the saturated market of CCNA certificate holders out there.

So that basically leaves me with RF and programming. I like RF, but I think I dig programming better.

Programming+telco industry = Comptel.

Axon Solutions just called in yesterday inviting me over for a group interview at their place next week. I wonder whether I should go or not. The market and forums are buzzing with SAP right now that I'm at times feel uncomfortable with the amount of competition that I'll be facing (should I head in that direction of course). SAP is a huge thing no doubt. All the big hot shot companies uses them. But should go for the popular and uncertain path, or head toward the niche and straight forward path? SAP has many can specialise in all sorts of things. SAP, is a product - one that is going against Oracle's PeopleSoft and Siebel. So should PeopleSoft or Siebel one day prove to be a better solution than SAP - than you can expect a huge exodus of SAP programmers. And lets not be naive - there are a lot of SAP consultants out there! Everyone seems to want to be an SAP consultant! It's the IN thing right now.

So why the fuck am I not going goo goo gaa gaa over Axon's offer?

1. I like telco. I think that's the thing that I'd want to devote myself learning. Yeah sure I'm a programmer. But working in the telco industry, you have to know what ur selling. You have to know ur thing. Imagine selling a product but you urself have no idea of the bigger picture - like what your product is in the whole big picture of telco industry, why is it important etc. Only by knowing all the this can you actually improve your work and perhaps add on to the product. And since telco is an industry that keeps on changing, I don't think I'll ever get bored of doing it.

2. I believe that an SAP consultant leads a more hectic life than a programmer in the telco software industry. Why? Hurm..I'm not really sure about that. It's an unproven fact. Currently my opinion is just based on a single persons advice from So dont take my word for it, find out for yourself.

3. I personally think that the market has already too much SAP programmer. So why join the wagon? Find a more spacious one I'd say!

In the end, my experience of job hunting is just that - mine alone. My decision was made - by examining the many possibilities of things I want to have in my life. Hectic life? Family time? Basic salary? Benefits? Work interest? Environment? All those things had to be taken into account when deciding a path to follow.

Conclusion, SAP (+) can get lots of cash quick, (-) really demanding work..really. Work at Comptel (+) less busy than being in SAP line, (+) telco industry, (-) slower road to riches.

Dalam hidup ni, ape yang sebenarnya yang kita nak cari, kekayaan atau kebahagiaan? Adakah kekayaan akan membawa kebahagiaan? Atau just kesenangan? Dan kesenangan itu, adakah ia membahagiakan? Kaji balik, adakah kita bahagia dengan kesenangan, atau pun berada dalam suasana kasih sayang?

Tuhan akan kasi ape yang kita nak kalau kita berusaha. Just make sure we are working towards the right thing.

Alas..for all the BS I write in here, it's all just a plan - an untested and hopeful plan. Kata Fred Durst, "Life is a lesson, we'll learn it when we're through". Can't deny that now can we.


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