job hunting

It is right now 3:03pm on a sunny Tuesday afternoon.

I've just finished my oral presentation for my Final Year Project. In truth I should be sleeping right now. Felt so tired and sleepy at BW just now. Anyway, I'm just glad that I've finally got it over with. Next comes finishing the thesis. But that can wait. So far I've already managed to conjure up 60++ pages..and haven't even started Chapter 4 yet.

These past few days was a real head-spinner for me. Ever since Accenture called me for a potential interview - I was put into a real soul-searching mode. What the heck do I want to do with my life? Be a programmer? Networker? RF Engineer?

Be all that you can be. That's what I wanna do actually. Be all that I can be. For those of you who don't already know - thats the tagline for the US army. The US Army put out such cool ads to get their people to join the army..I wonder why our army lack that enthusiasm~

During my journey in search of the best job out there for me, several people have played crucial part in influencing my decision. I really went all out I guess, asked a whole bunch of people, browsed into so many forums. ITTutor, Lowyat, Putera..all of them. I find ITTutor and Lowyat to be very useful indeed.

On being RF Engineer

Optimization engineer itu dah stage advance RF engineer. Bukan senang nak capai tahap tu sebab u kena tahu semua asas RF. But nothing impossible kalau ada usaha. Ada cellworks, ENC, Elabram are companies yg focus to telecommunication. Multinational company so u have opportunities to work overseas. Bukan setakat optimization saja yg ada, you can start as procurement engineer or rf engineer, telecommunication engineer and etc.
- Zeti Akma Rhazali, Signal and Systems lecturer, Uniten

On being a consultant - Accenture

generally the working culture in ACN is very stressful due to the nature of project-based work, and its basically the same for consulting. i used to be in a telco-based project where almost everyone leaves work only at 9-10pm practically every day.

however they do practise the motto 'work hard, play hard'.. when they let their hair loose they really are a crazy lot, and in certain ways i do miss their social activities smile.gif also, it is a great career springboard as the exposure and experience gained is very valuable. RM5k in 5 years is definitely np... basic pay for consultants are alredi around RM5k+. hope this helps!

During my time circa 97-99 the pay is the best hence its the blooming of .COM industry and trend. Internet was just exploded, e-commerce was the 'IN' thing and moreover even the big recession during at that time, the industry (IT) was not expected.

u will might started as an Analyst and after a few project might get promoted into Consultant. With a hard work it is an easy ladder I must say. The pay during 90's era I guess is the best but yet I've heard after the big taiko of accenture' Mr. Larry Gan' resigned, the pay is not that good for a junior. Bear in mind during my time they are know as Andersen Consulting.

The environment is the best. Not much of a politic, office scandal or wtv. Ppl are friendly.

The interview session might b varied. Phone interview, 1st interview with project manager and final interview with one of the partner. Well..for a tips they need someone with good and fluent english, presentable with professional corporate attire and goreng as much as u can wtv u knw even if u dont know.

On being at Comptel

I do heard about Comptel, their employee benefits is quite good in malaysia market. Travel to Spore is around RM350 per day. consider very good in the industry.. even some big company like Huawei or Ericsson only give RM150-RM200 per day.

in term of prospect, OSS and BSS is really the trend on making more money in telco line, but COMPTEL is more on telco software and application. if you were to quit telco line, you still can go into oil and gas, banking, etc..


OK la tu bro.. orang lain ramai tak dapat kerja u belum habis grad dah confirm with a job.
Yang penting you perform well -- about the 1 year contract tu biasa jek.. nowadays lots of company buat macam tu.. 1 year is a short period believe me.. just learn as much as you can jgn fokus sangat tang programming get the whole solution about billing, integration etc.
Focus to become a consultant say in 5 years!

Salam Hafidz,
COMPTEL is a Finnish company well established selalu partner with my company Nokia -- saya pun pernah kerja dengan their people indeed I have few friends yang pernah kerja dengan this company (saya pun pernah interview with them back in 2001!). One of them until now still thinking of nak balik kerja dengan Comptel and I assumed they have a good working environment.. nanti saya suruh dia email hafidz smile.gif
They sell mediation box -- mediation ni intermediate antara network devices such as MSC in GSM (MSC handle calls in GSM) dan billing centre.
MSC contohnya sends out CDR (flat raw files) to mediation box ni and they comptel box process (add customized tags etc) fwd to billing center.
So your work will revolve around this write scripts converts the cdr (sebab tu kena skill expect etc!) before forwarding to billing center.
Kena understand customer's requirement dan make the changes on the cdr.
Comptel MY support APAC rasanya so you might be travelling support other telcos.. good prospect ni.. then you'll deal with multivendor Nokia , Ericsson, Alcatel etc.. OK la as fresh graduates I assuem you will learn a lot.

Comptel is a good MNC company , insyaallah stable. Tu la rezeki kita Allah sahaja yang tau , companies not purely looked at your tech skill other values pun dia consider like your attitude . Some people they are brilliant tapi attitude problem can't work in a team -- in telco you deal a lot with other people boxes kalau Comptel ni their product is mediation device - sit between SGSN,GGSN/MSC/etc and billing center. SGSN/GGSN produced cdr from multivendors (multiple complexities!) and your box will customized the output to fit operator's billing requirement (postpaid,prepaid, hot billing etc)
Good exposure , I bet they will send your everywhere after this around APAC as Comptel here is the regional HQ for APAC.
Lama2 dah expert nanti boleh jadi freelance billing consultant -- siapa tau.

Decision making is hard! For a person who thinks he can be all that he can be - it surely is.


  1. quinnylover said...

    Hi ikanez,

    I read about your dilemma in seeking a job. Comptel is a good place, I worked with their people during my time in TM, alot, i mean a lot of travelling. So if you like seeing new places, then it might be ok for you. Bujang lagi kan? So shouldnt be a problem.
    Renumeration-wise? Telco sector especially the vendors (Ericsson, Nokia, Comptel, etc) are currently in a downturn, meaning some companies dah 2 tahun tak untung. But good thing being in APAC is that business is booming here. So APAC office will usually take up the slack of other regions like Americas, Europe etc. So dont expect big bonuses like our friends in oil and gas.
    Im currently working with Intec Telecom Systems. Our business are similar to Comptel, but a bit more diverse. As a consultant, I travel a lot around APAC region, earning good money from the claims and such. Project-based jobs camnih kekadang relaks sesangat, kekadang busy gilers, so be prepared for the stress. Our office is in KLCC (big plus point!)
    Basic pay is rather low, and I can say fresh grads can only get about 1800 to 2k. But its the travelling money that makes it all worth it :) Career propect? Kalo nak naik dalam company nih mmg agak susah. Many of those who have left find contract jobs overseas doing freelancing, earning USD600+ per hour for a 6 months contract. best giler! hahahah
    need more details, you can contact me at Intec is a good place to work. People are friendly and great to work with. We use flex hours, so kalo datang awal, leh balik awal and vice versa.
    Good luck in your job hunt!

  2. Hafidz said...


    thx for commenting on my blog! actually i tade la expect sesape nk comment pun kat blog tu. tempat luahan prasaan je sbenanye.

    and its great to actually meet someone who's actually in the field! a consultant even!

    the dilemma that i have mostly stems from the fact that i hardly know anyone who's currently working in the field, most of the people around me are networkers and RF engineer - never knew anyone having ur kind of experience. so i guess it was hard for me to make a decision since the path is quite vague and blurry.

    i guess u pretty much cleared things up for me then.

    so back at TM, were you dealing with the same thing as what u r doing know in Intec? how many years did it take for you to be where you are right now?

    any tips and pointers on how to actually work my way up to being a consultant? like what kinda books should i read, interesting websites, where to get tutorials n stuff.. bujang..for now at least. um thinking of starting a family in 2 years time tho - so kne start kumpul duit! haha. at comptel they also use flex hours. and their fresh grad pay is a bit higher than 2k. they'd already given me an offer as analyst programmer - and I'll be given a week to work there before actually signing the contract.

    thanks again for commenting. it really means a lot to me. :)


  3. Anonymous said...

    Da dapat keje comptel ke?
    well, from what I heard, the best student from my U is going to join Comptel. Ke dah join.. xsure la..

  4. Hafidz said...

    I dah dapat dah keje comptel. Mule 2 Mei. Tapi biasela...sambil2 tggu hari start keje tu test2 jugak la market kat tempat lain. Dasar tamak halobe, itu yg jadi dilema tu. Baru2 ni dpat offer gi interview di Axon Solutions. Alhamdulillah. Tapi seriously thinking of going to Comptel coz its in the telco industry - and um a big fan of telco stuff.

  5. Anonymous said...

    quinnylover..i never heard that telco's freelancer/contractor (Con'man..haha) hv got USD600+ per hour..isit true? i've been 8 years in telcos n the highest i've ever heard is around 50-60USD/hour.
    8-12K USD is consider normal rate if u do freelance..but 600USD/hour is definitely way out of truth i guess. i never heard anyone do BSCS/mediation and Ericsson stuff got that much..kalau ada pls give me the contact..nak apply gaks..:)

  6. Hafidz said...

    wah toyon, u pun freelance jgak ke? ramai jgak org buat freelance ye

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