It's been a good run~

I've just given up continuing to do my final year project. I know, I've already submitted my thesis, but the project was incomplete - and I don't kinda feel good leaving things like that.

Well anywho, tonight I've decided enough is enough. I have approximately one week left before I join the workforce and I might as well make the best of it. It is only now that I feel truly free from the long run that is the "undergraduate years".

It's been a good run.

5 years. 5 long years? or 5 short years? Well right now it feels short I guess. It's like sometimes you can still remember those early foundation years, how you first met your friends, the societies your in..

I admit, I'll be missing those moments. Moments of freedom. Moments of knowing your actions wont have dire consequences..such carefree life. When all that matters is studying and hanging out with friends - owh, and in my case maintaining a healthy relationship with my ayang.

Sure, there were ups..and there were also downs. And I'm happy I made the most of the opportunity given, or at least try to. Doesn't matter, no regrets there. Much has been learned along the way. And who could forget being in SIFE UNITEN, the cheers, the frustration, the politics, the fun, the joy, the satisfaction, the best society I've ever joined in my entire life. It's tough, but rewarding nonetheless.

Love them friends I made along the journey. Some good, some bad - but they are mostly good. Learn the art of choosing a friend. Befriend all, but stick close to only some. No matter what others may say, friends DO in fact influence you in one way or another. So be wise. Know what you wanna be and pick a friend that can influence you in that manner.

So this is it I guess.

Farewell UNITEN - it's been awesome.

Pedot, Pi'e, Padil, and Me


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