Working Days - Day One

Aah...finally. The day has come when I actually had to face the realities of a working man's life.

Last Friday was my first day at work - at Comptel. I had to wake up at 6:30am to avoid the jam at Batu Tiga - arrived around 7:30am - only to be told that the actual work hour starts at 9:00am. Great~

It was an OK first day I guess. I mean it is my first job after all - hence there's nothing much I can compare the experience with.

At least I was given something to do. Read a manual.

Human can focus on such a thing for only so long. After a couple of hours my brain has already been filled up and I was like reading the same page over and over again.

Next week should be fun I suppose. Got some induction thing coming. Looking forward to it.

In other news - I got a new "pasu" for my cactus plant. I wanted to get a better "pasu", you know a clear glass-type instead of this one. But the last time I check the price tag was like RM20 - so I'm like..OK..maybe later after my first paycheck or something.

There'll be a new movie coming up - Hancock. Starring Will Smith - it tells about the life of a Superman-like superhero but with a severe attitude problem. Really enjoyed watching the trailer and I expect this to be a hit at he cinemas. Can't wait for it to come on the big screen!


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