Yesterday Comptel had a bowling tournament at Mines Wonderland. There were 5 teams in all. I was in team 3 - consisting of me, theenesh, ganesh and john. All of us are newbies - and are from Uniten. So in a way it was like team Uniten lah.

Anyway, the event began at around 7pm. Before that a small dinner was served - bihun, fried nugget and fishballs were served. OK-lah, quite nice what~

Later the games begun,..., and ended. LoL..I think I'll spare you guys the boring details. What matters though is, our team won! yeeehaawww - 1st runner-up je. But I guess it was something at least. Each of us got a RM30 Jusco voucher. I gave mine to my mom.

Interesting times at Comptel thus far. Ice-cream days, pizza lunches, and McD's for breakfast. And my brother Idin was like - was kind of company is this? Is it even listed? Lol~

So far times are great. Can't be too complacent though. Better prepare for the storm ahead~


  1. Theenesh kumar said...

    go newbies!!!! hahahax!

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