Selamat Hari Guru

Well..I guess this post is a bit late - but hey, it's the thoughts that counts.

Here I list all my homeroom teachers..the ones that I can recall-lah..

Primary School

Standard 1: Ng Soo Chew (SK Taman Bukit Maluri)
Standard 2: Pn Mariamah (SK Taman Bukit Maluri)
Standard 3: Azham Razali (SK Taman Bukit Maluri)
Standard 4: Pn Kasiama (SK Taman Bukit Maluri)
Standard 5: En Ku Zailan (SK Taman Bukit Maluri)
Grade 6: Mrs Maker (Bayview Middle School)
Grade 7: Ms Silverberg (Bayview Middle School)
Form 1: Can't remember... (SMK Taman Bukit Maluri)
Form 2: Can't remember... (SMK Taman Bukit Maluri) + (SMP Seksyen 11)
Form 3: Can't remember... (SMP Seksyen 11)
Form 4: Can't remember... (SMK Teknik Bukit Piatu)
Form 5: Pn Kamariah Tumiran (SMK Teknik Bukit Piatu)

Selamat Hari Guru to y'alls~
"I , you, we, they..cannot use 's' " - I learned that in primary school..chinese teacher..really sticks in 'till now, like a classic.

Oh - and before I forget, (actually I did - only to be 'reminded' later :P) Selamat Hari Guru also to my very own 'Cikgu'! Gud luck on your career sayang. :)


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