Kesakitan yang Basah!

Nothing much to blog on today. Today is my 3rd day on the job. So far so good I guess. Right now I'm attending the training for EventLink 6 (one of Comptel's product). The training will be on-going for 2 weeks, 3 hours per day.

Later I'll be learning about OnlineLink I guess. Hopefully-lah.

You know every time I open my Kelisa door when I'm done parking I can't seem to forget the voice of the Orcs Peon from Warcraft - ""

I think um gonna miss playing that stuff..

But before I forget - the title of today's blog belong to this interesting thing I found today while waiting for the elevator. It seems that however technologically savvy TPM is, they still can't get their spelling correct - "CAUTION - WET PAIN"

Nice..kesakitan yang basah~


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