dawn of a new era

the time is now 4:07am and i will go to bed very soon.

8/3/08 marks a date to be remembered in the history of our beloved country as the ruling party finally loses their 2/3 majority.

i am not gonna write long however since i'm dizzy and tired waiting for the final official result as shown in the star's website. also constantly pressing reload at lowyat's forum and hear what people all over the nation has to say.

75 seats..finally. more to come i believe. for now i guess i can sleep peacefully knowing that BN wont screw us Malaysians up our asses as easily they'd done before.

change is good i suppose. creates competitiveness - and i wish it's for the better.

encountered some priceless quotes too.

pak lah: "dah kalah...kalah lah.."

nik aziz (on his thought about tv3) :"Ini channel untuk tonton Doraemon dan Power Rangers jer."

damm lawak la this fella.



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