I've decided to start a posting today to jot down every weird thing that I did after I've been at it (coding) for some serious amount of time. So every now and then this blog will be updated on the weird stuff I did that day.

Let me start off with what just happened to me just now..

1. I decided to take a slight break from coding and go watch some videos. After awhile though, I find it rather a bore and decided to shut the window down. Guess what I did. My fingers instinctively went and typed ":q", as in the quit command in the vi editor. And it didn't stop there actually. At first I was like "Why the hell wouldn't this damn thing shut off..". And then I realize - I'm not in UNIX!!! Took me like 2-3 minutes to realize that fact.


  1. Anonymous said...

    nooooooooooooooooooooooo...what if one day, ur wife is in front of u n talking to u, n u just stare at ur wife..thinking hard.."who the hell is this lady????" poor me then..huhuuuu..

  2. Hafidz said...

    then just make sure you are sexy enuf to be relevant in his eyes. lol~

  3. Anonymous said...

    kalu husband perut loyot x ensem...
    bleh ade gak memory lost tuh for the wife la..n a good xcuse for parties outside..yeehaaaaa.."i have a handsome husband wif a good body..but i dunno who is he in my house..probably my uncle kot..neway..lets enjoy!..hehehe

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