Home Furnishing

I've been surfing for hours now looking on how should I lay out my living room in my "future" living place.

I've found some great websites while I was at it; mainly these two:-

The first is about home decor basically, telling about the neatest furnish he could find out there and sharing along his design ideas in his newly bought house.

The latter is more on DIY stuff. Now this is something I can keep coming back to..might take up some projects there every now and then (grin...)

Anyways, here is a pic of cool concept of a cabinet I found called the StairCase

Damn neat I'd say. I always thought that the space up above should be better utilized to make more room down below.

But back to the living room. Right now I'm thinking of having mine like this. But of course, not exactly like that. It's not gonna be that japanized - we can't afford lavish spending quite yet. But the concept is there..a square-ish table with pillows (I'm gonna get a whole lot of them...) and a dinner table (which I'll get from my sis later).


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