Fun times with Safiyya

I love having a her around.
I love seeing her antics everyday - I don't think there's any dull moment with her around. Of course - that is somewhat of an overstatement. But in general - I really do love having her around. She would make all sorts of faces - and when you've been with her for sometime, you'd tend to recognize what does each face she makes means. Sometimes she gets annoyed, at times she'll have that i-have-a-stomach-ache face, in the mornings she'll give you that million dollar smile (and some laughter too), in other times she'll pester you with her "tak ikhlas" cry, and etc etc.
We'd take her practically everywhere we go to these days. To the bank, to the hypermarket, even to IKEA. I'd have to say that dad's baby carrier (bought for Aqilah, but seldomly used) has been a big help (a VERY big help).
Another invention that warrants a huge kudos is the digital camera - for which without it we wouldn't be able to catch that "moments" in our everyday life with relative ease. As for me, I'm thankful for them digicams for it provides me with the necessary materials for me to make fun of my daughter later in her life. Yes Safiyya, your dad IS like that. :)
"Penat si Safiyya ni - tidur sampai alas tangan lagi"
"Hehe - dah baring pun masih nak alas tangan lagi?"


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