My YTN scholarship

Yesterday I went to UNITEN..or more specifically YTN - to tie things up with them in regard to my scholarship, aka "melaporkan diri".

I even applied for a half-day leave the day before that - semangat giler! :P

I reached UNITEN at about 8 am. After about 30 minutes or so waiting/discussing with the fella, I am told that I can pay 20% of the total amount - and that would be about around RM 17k lah. Not bad. 5 years of learning and hardship - and I was like earning RM 66k for all those years. Not bad at all.


And even better they didn't even mention that I have to work at TNB - which by the way, is not a bad way to make a living. It's just a matter of interest - and I chose not to work there because of it.

So it was then like 8:45am..and my office hour starts at 9am. And I applied for a half-day leave. So I thought to myself, just what the heck am I gonna do now? Go to Kajang and get them fuel rebates? Heck no. Don't wanna trouble myself and waste more fuel just to look for parking at that place. Gila.

So I called up Elsie, and asked whether or not she can omit my application the day before. She said can come... So inside I was like, "yippee~~", although the fact that I don't have any real job to do back then is quite a troubling thought. Hurm. But that is yesterday's story la. Today's a different thing.

Got quite a lot of things to do today. Owh such fun.


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