Today I've had the opportunity to see the movie WANTED. I had to admit, I was actually expecting a lot from the movie - after the seeing the cool trailer and all that, and fortunately for me - it truly delivers.

You see, I've been waiting to see the movie for 5 days (I booked the ticket on Monday). Not to mention I got no significant job to do this week at the office so that in itself kinda puts you in a "I can't wait for Saturday" mood to sink in.

At the end of the movie - I felt satisfied. The same feeling I get after watching "300" and "V for Vendetta". It was truly value for money in my book. Or perhaps I'm just a sucker for a neat FX and a good plot.

Whatever it is, you can bet I'll be looking forward to the next installment of WANTED should there be any.

Kudos to the director Timur Bekmambetov for once again having to come out with a great sci-fi flick. After watching his earlier movies - "Night Watch" and "Day Watch", I came to like his style of directing, much like how I enjoy watching movies from Quentin Tarantino. Tarantino is famously known for fun plot and witty dialogues. Timur is of a different kind - but I enjoy his movies nonetheless.

A bit pity though that "Dusk Watch" won't be coming anytime soon. I kinda hope that it won't be Americanized per say...cause I kinda enjoy the original two, so a russian ending would be perfect for it. Nonetheless, here a bit of news on the last of the trilogy. Click Me!


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