The news today seems to read oil prices is gonna come down pretty soon. Well I hope so. I've just read an article on NGV just now on the NST - apparently a full tank gas price of a 1.6L Chevy is just RM9. Yep, you read right - that's RM9. Geez. And I'm driving a Kelisa and paying like 7 times that amount for a full tank.

Lets do a simple math here.

9 (per week) X 4 (weeks per month) = RM36.

70 (per week) x 4 (weeks per month) = RM 280.

What a difference that is. A conversion to NGV would cost around RM 3500 or so. Savings from the conversion per month would be RM280 - RM 36, which would be around RM 240. Now for me to get back that RM 3500 would take me about 3500/240 which would be 14 months or so. But then my car is not of a 1.6L type, so I think probably within a year or so lah.

Now that's an idea worth considering.

Oil prices are going down, or so says the article I read at Oil price have been steadily climbing and at times I think the oil companies are enjoying every minute of it and making sure that it's gonna stay that way. The other day there was a strike at Shell Nigeria - can't remember the details but the plant had to be closed down. So you know la what happen if an oil plant goes down - supply would decline, thus prices would go up. Now I'm not saying that is the sole reason why the oil price worldwide is rising, but probably more or less it's one of the triggers.

Anywho, the strike eventually came to an end. But then a few days after I think, some bugger decide to attack the rigs. Is there a connection? I dunno, but somehow I smell something fishy is going on there, as if Shell is deliberately hiring someone to attack it's rigs. But then again - that's just an unproven theory.

In other news, CERN is gonna conduct the world's biggest particle physics experiment - perhaps conjuring up a mini black-hole along the way. Reports have been given that the new black hole would not - and I repeat WOULD NOT suck our beloved planet Earth into it. You can about it more here. You know at first the news itself is like weird know..Earth getting sucked into a black hole. But then I'm not much of a particle physicist. So who knows? Is there really any probability of a black hole sucking the planet?? I Talk about science fiction. Maybe I should read up on this..maybe I should.


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