Terima kasih Paklah

Now normally I don't post other people's blog here - usually it's more of quotation of sorts or perhaps some useful thing that I think other might benefit by reading. Today will be an exception I guess. This post is from the Ancient Mariner - one blogger that I like keep tabs on since the recent general election.

Here goes.

Like everyone else, I am still reeling from the double whammy of the rise in fuel prices and yesterday's increase in the electricity tariff. I suppose all hell will now break loose with other increases: price of food, transport fares, crime rates etc.

This old sea dog who served many years for God, king and country and trying to survive on a pittance is now sufficiently pissed off to want to go shoot somebody.

And they wants us to 'change our lifestyles". Have they ever stopped to think what will happen if many people leave their vehicles at home and go to work in trains and buses today?

To those of you who voted in this government: Go Eat Shit and Die.

I just found out that for people in Venezuela only pay like RM0.16 per liter of fuel. (Wan Norazizah interview in MalaysiaKini ). Guess this is what the Singaporean must be feeling like right now towards us Malaysians back then (and perhaps still right now...till August I guess.)

So for now, me,..the young working 'adult'..will be driving to and fro with my car air-cond turned off in an effort to save my hard earned cash. Sigh~.

p/s: Now Mika (that's my boss btw) if you're reading this, Comptel ought to give travel allowances to their staff from now on! Hehehe~ :P


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