Home Loans

Home loans.

Last night me and buddies talked about managing our wealth. Basically it revolves around how all of us can get rich.

Money makes the world go round they say.

My friend Symofz has recently got enlightened with the idea of financial freedom. I came across that word like 5 years ago. But I guess sooner or later we all would be thinking about that. As you get older, you responsibility will be higher. Got people to take care of, things to buy.

One of them is a house. Or many houses should you fancy that. But people don't have those ridiculous amount of cash when they got out of their university. Nope - they can only depend on whatever meagre salary they can get from their first job.

So people like that who wants to buy a house (like yours truly) resort to borrowing money from the bank.

I've read some articles..got into forums, trying to understand the nature of the subject matter.

Conventional loan VS Islamic loan. Which is better? Can Islamic-based loan still be as competitive or better than the conventional types? These are the question that dwells deep in my mind as of late.

Of all the websites I've been through - this one in particular deserves a mention in my blog. It provides a wealth of information and a good place to cross reference most if not all the home loan packages that currently available in the market right now. A great site for a newbie like me.


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