The World As It Is Today

The world as it is today.

Israel is invading Palestine. Again. Currently the muslims in Gaza are being bombarded by missiles and bomb and what not in order to, as the Israelis call it 'ward off terrorists'.

Now I will not be elaborating over that...I guess I am just tired man who can't stand cliches over more cliches. Palestine has been like that ever since their neighbouring 'Islamic' countries seems to have a knack of turning a blind eye whenever Palestineans got attacked and raped like that. Been going on for years - and maybe for many more years to come. Not to say that I like what I wrote just now, but just be honest - with the current pathetic state of the muslim community, will Palestine ever be free and Isreal be put to justice?

It's like a cruel and sick cycle. You see a peace treaty. Then somehow it got broken. Israel will smash Palestine.

And then comes the part where the world it seems to get excited and have lots of 'rapat umum','tunjuk perasaan', forums, seminars, tv shows, articles, aid deliveries and yadayada. A lot of actions there...but it's not like it all matters anyway. The damage has already been done - and will still be done, since weirdly it seems that Israelites do live outside the boundaries of law and order. They live inside their own code-of-conduct, and the rest of the world can use whatever type of law we see fit just as as long that we don't ever fuck them over.

You can't call them names. You can't touch them. You can't take them to court. That would be blasphemy (sarcasm of course). That would be anti-Semitic.

Later when the Israelis have done like a good amount damage, then it's time to go home. Owh..ade peace treaty rupenye. And all of a sudden you have this peace treaty here and there. How convenient. And owh, it was the US who arranged for the treaty to place. How nice of them to play mediator. Everybody goes back home. The shows over - until the next rocket goes over the border lah. Then the cycle goes again.

In a way, should muslims all over the world unite and defend Palestine, that would be a red alert for the rest of the religions all over the world. Fear for Islamist supremacy will rise, and a World War between religions could develop.

That is some deep and scary shit. Save Palestine? Or save the world?

Below are an excerpt of some crap that I took from the NSTP. I mean what the hell is he trying to achieve here? To express anger, regret and dissappointment? A psychiatrist might be interested in those things. The Israelis? You'd expect 'them' to listen to you?

Politicians are a weird bunch indeed I'd say.

Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said about five million pupils and 360,765 teachers from more than 10,000 schools would be involved.

"This is to create a wave of pressure for the Israelis to stop their violence and oppression of Palestinian civilians."

He said the ministry would be working with the Information, Foreign, and Youth and Sports Ministries, as well as Peace Malaysia, to expand the campaign to a mega scale.

"When we protested against the US invasion in Iraq, we managed to get 200,000 people into Putra Stadium, Bukit Jalil.
"We are confident that youth leaders from political parties, including those in Pakatan Rakyat will join us in this fight against the Zionist regime," he said after his ministry's New Year gathering at Putrajaya International Convention Centre here yesterday.


  1. seros said...

    Salam, I just want to give some of comments about your statement...
    Truly, some of your statements about Palestine issues in Malaysia is right, like "anjing menyalak dikaki bukit" got nothing...but have u know a story about "nabi ibrahim dgn burung" camne seekor burung kecil ambil air dgn paruh tuk pdm api yg tgh membakar nabi ibrahim..mmg binatg lain cakap..bodohnyer burung tu..apela sgt dapat buat dgn paruh yg kecil burung kecil tu jawab.. nati kat akhirt klu allah tanya "apa kau buat time nabi ibrahim di bakar"? so nk jawab ape.."demo or anything else mmg x dpt membantu lansung org islam kat palestine pun..coz disekat semua arah but at least ade usaha tuk buka mata masyarakat umum"..this issue just not for palestine people,but isu umat islam sedunia...

    Your statement:
    “In a way, should muslims all over the world unite and defend Palestine, that would be a red alert for the rest of the religions all over the world. Fear for Islamist supremacy will rise, and a World War between religions could develop.
    That is some deep and scary shit. Save Palestine? Or save the world?”
    - So, which one you want to choose??? ur statement..make me sick (some people think like that also) …but I ask u….are u afraid of death? Which one are u really afraid?human or Allah? Which one are u really care? Do u think the cruel act in Gaza is simple thing? Do you know why that’s happen? Do you know about the law? Do you know about “crime of human being”? Do you know about war crime? What do you know about the reality of umat islam zaman sekarang? Do you really really know about the way of islam? Do you know why u wrote this statement “Fear for Islamist supremacy”?(my answer: becoz they don’t know the real thing about islam same as u n me also, we don’t know and research about history) Plez answer that Qs and think about that, if u can’t answer plez ask someone who expert and understand about Islam..then cut that need in ur blog but in ur heart..

    This below comment I just want to give to minister2 of gov…but don't know state kat sini je la ye..=)
    - skrang dah bukan masa tuk ata resolusi kat PBB(sape yg phm die akan ckp bodoh nyer menteri)
    - We have many option to do..such as send our military or malaysian tuk berjihad kat sana..ramai yg sanggup, perkara ini pernah berlaku pada zaman rasulullah, zaman para sahabat dan zaman 100 thn dahulu (cth nye time perang salib, perang dekat terusan Suez etc..)( teruknyer budak ni…sgt extreme ) tp jika itu je cara yg boleh diselesaikan..why not kita pergi berjihad bantu umat islam di sana…that’s the special of muslim ( bila aqidah dia mantap, die akan berani mati syahid) why? Be coz their point is “Jannah”, but that is the reality of pemimpin ngr islam sekarang..sama ada diam membisu atau membantu menjadi sekutu kufar……….

    Mohon maaf jika terkasar bahasa atau ade perkara yg tertulis salah disisi islam…
    Semoga kemenangan terakhir kita semua adalah…mati didalam islam dan syurga allah

  2. Hafidz said...


    Your comments are welcomed here. And no worries about me taking it to heart and what not - I don't take it personal.

    To answer your question though, save Palestin, or save the World? Surely I'd rather save Palestin. Whatever makes you think I might choose otherwise?

    My writings in here may lead you to think that I might be liberal at heart bastard - but in truth I'm just a sarcastic type of person. I just like to write about conspiracy theories and stuff and the what-ifs of things. I leave it to you to figure about that one out.

    I guess we all in some ways are moved by the events in Gaza. It would be great if all of us can just grab an AK-47 and just run to those in need of our help. But the fact is we can't. We help however we can, and deep within our hearts, we always wish that we could've contributed something more than just giving out cash and lending our sympathies. I don't have to be mind reader to know that.

    Ada banyak cara untuk sampai ke sesebuah destinasi. Ada yang panjang, ada yang pendek, ada yang berliku-liku dan macam2 lagi. Daripada komen saudara, tampaknya spt saudara ade menyertai demo2 yang telah diadakan saban hari. Saya tak kata salah, tapi I guess itu bukanlah cara saya. Saya lebih suka bekerja keras dan dari apa yang saya peroleh tu saya sumbangkan sedikit pada mereka. Mane tau kot2 kalau rezeki mencurah2 besok, boleh buat Yayasan dan bantu budak2 di sana dalam pembelajaran mereka.

    In the end kita buat je apa yang kita mampu - yang penting ialah mencari keredhaan Allah. Spt kata saya tadi, destinasi kita sama, cara nak sampai tu mgkin lain

  3. seros said...


    yups..we are different way but same destination...hope so..short or long it's up to ourself...Insyaallah,Allah know what we doing n done.sori ngomeng in ur blog..just interesting in ur fyp bout networking actually...may Allah bless us always =)

  4. Hafidz said...

    haha dude! aku baru perasan that u left me a comment about 4 months back!

    sorry i didn't reply that, really didn't notice.

    tell you what, if you need a copy of my theses, i can mail it to ya.

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