Yesterday I was invited to the "annual" SIFE dinner. The theme of the dinner was "Vampire". At first I was like..what the hell am I going to wear for this dinner...then I thought "hey, Edward Cullen didn't wear anything fancy..why should I?". I went there with a baju Melayu instead. Hahaha~
The dinner was held at Country Heights Resorts Sports Club. The houses there were HUGE! Freakingly huge. Each house there had like 5-6 cars in their parking lot. Talk about being filthy rich.
Anyways, I got there quite early it seems (I was like the first guest to arrive...). Disappointed at first. But later when all the guys came it didn't felt that bad after all.
Old friends. No matter how you hate and loath some of them in the past, in the end - the bond is still there. I guess that's the beauty of SIFE Uniten. I remember all the ups and downs we had. The tense (very tense) moments, the laughter, the tears. But I guess it all worked out well in the end. As years go by, we all went on with our different ways - but SIFE Uniten brings us back together every now and then. I sure am glad that I was a part of something during my undergrad years. Huda mentioned about my Rumah Nur Salam project. Ahh..those were the days. I surely hope that SIFE Uniten would never abandon that Rumah Nur Salam.
I admit, perhaps I am not that much of an entrepreneur (despite having been the president of the club once). But mingling(is this even the right spelling?) with the lots of them sure make me think that I am/can be one. All-spirited, optimistic, resourceful, opportunistic kind of people. You sure need these type of poeple every now and then.
Ahh, and Puan Kamariah was there. She was like 'there' from day one. The way Juli (rep from Muadzam) mentioned Puan Kamariah in her speech made Pn K sounds like a legend or a myth from the golden days of SIFE. Like for the time in her life she has finally found a 'unicorn'. Haha. Yeah...I guess we all missed her strong presence in SIFE Uniten. It's good that she's back.
Last Thursday me and my fiancee went to Alamanda to have a lil' dinner. I am not gonna go into details on like what we had and such - what I want to write about right now is about Salmonella, the virus.
I am sure most of you guys out there loves/craves munching on those Famous Amos cookies. I admit, I crave for those things too (Hi, my name is Hafidz, and I'm an addict). So anywho, she (my fiancee), offered to buy me them cookies while we were there (Alamanda). So I was like, yay~..and asked her to get me my favourite "premium choice". It so happens that they we'rent selling it then.
I was like..owh..da habis ke. So I picked-lah another kind. And I didn't think anymore about it. Until today.
Malaysia's health ministry Thursday said it was investigating the Famous Amos cookie chain after it withdrew dough from several of its outlets here amid fears that it was contaminated by the salmonella bacterium.And then I went - "Owh..padanlah..". Yikes.
...."There is only one dough (suspected of being contaminated with salmonella), called premium choice, which we had carried and (which was only) available in limited locations," the company's general manager Jesrina Liew told AFP.
"The batch which they suspected of contamination is still in our inventory and has not been distributed yet. (The premium choice cookies) we have recalled were from an earlier batch of dough and had not been contaminated," she added.
i want to treat u famos amos again..but only for premium choice..;p
hahaha. nampak beno tak ikhlas! :P
hehehe..ikhlas is something u cant, maybe im ikhlas, but to limit the option je..hehe